Sunday, September 22, 2024

Mooning around

 Have you seen THE moon? But, of course, you would say. What kind of bum question is that? That is what your reaction would be, right? Well, no, I am not dozing off while blogging. Neither am I mooning. Nope! I am in my full senses, and in total control of myself. 

I asked you that initial question knowingly. Well, you see, on August 7, 2024 was this celestial object first seen, and very soon, from September 29 to November 25, would this moon be seen daily. 

Yes, roughly during these two months, our earth is going to get a second moon sighted earlier on August 7. That was the moon I was asking you about. That was the 'heaven-ly' phenomenon i was referring to. 

So far our earth has boasted of most probably being the only planet with life on it. Unlike the poor dear terra firma, Jupiter and Mars, why, even Pluto, could show off their moons and rings, and what not. Well, they say the Saturn has one hundred and forty-six, yes, you read it right, moons!  Unlike the population explosion on it, our poor earth had to be contented with one small little moon. Now, however, for roughly two months, we, too, can feel moon-rich, though moon-reach we have anyways always successfully tried.

No, this second moon is no forgotten stuff some ET type alien forgot. It can be explained most scientifically. Actually, it was orbiting around the sun. Due to the gravitational pull of the earth, it got pulled in to the earth's orbit. Its speed is slower than the earth's rotational speed around the sun. Hence it would be visible as the second moon till it attains the right deflection point to re-enter the sun's orbit, beyond the earth's gravitational pull. 

So, as the carpe diem poetry would say so prettily, enjoy the party till it lasts, hum the music till it is lingering, dance the last twirl till the clock strikes twelve. Enjoy the second moon, the mini-moon, before it escapes the earth's magnetism, both literally and figuratively!

Pratima@ Due to this gate-crasher, turning and twisting on their twinkle toes might be the ancient mythical stories. Whether to include the newly emergent mythical tales in the pantheon or not, and thus make the mythology 'the more, and hence the merrier' or to leave the two to themselves is anybody's guess. 

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