Monday, September 30, 2024

Heart matters

 Our blog today deals with the heart (related) matters because the heart matters! Yes, indeed, this fist size pump literally spreads blood n life in our very being. If it stops pumping, in no time, the brain goes dead, and the body follows suit.

Life is threatened these days due to very many vector borne, viral, and various such epidemics. None of us has forgotten the difficult days during the COVID contagion. Yet much worse are the life style induced dis-eases. It is possible to invent some medication against an epidemic. Difficult doubtless it is to discover a remedy against the dis-ease like heart ailments.

No, the reference here is not at all to romantic relationships. Cynics amongst the readers may dismiss them as curable anyways, and speedily at that! Heart trouble these days is caused by graver (the pun is intended) factors such as 'fat'-adulterated food, for instance. It could be the trans-fat oils or the preservatives. Current eating habits are such that these harmful ingredients are liberally pushed down the gullet under the 'tasty' guise. 

As a result, the blood itself thickens, not to forget the cholesterol. The clots thus formed prohibit the smooth flow of the blood in veins and arteries, anyways narrowed. That small little pump thus finds it tough to spread the oxygenated (let us not right now think of the air pollution!) blood to the body, causing heart attacks, and the age bar is indeed lowering!

Well, much worse is the other enemy of the heart as it is invisible yet intense. Yes, we are talking of 'stress', enemy number one of the heart. Unfortunately, however, life these days is so hectic and harrowed that stress is inevitable. There are constant tensions at the work front. Recently, there have been heated discussions regarding 'death due to overwork', right?

Much worse is the fact that the personal arena is even more threatening than the professional. There is so much meanness, jealousy, envy, ambitious competitiveness, suspicious  one-up-man-ship that nothing binds individuals. Excessive individualism, obsession with personal space are creating lonely crowds. Family fares no better either.

The poor heart finds it difficult to fight with so many subtle and vicious enemies. Unmistakable, moreover, is the fast paced urban scenario that pollutes in very many ways. Given the communication revolution and the rate of urbanisation, every three tier city replicates the metro patterns!

High time, hence, that heart matters should matter. True, the pharmaceutical industry, its 'close(d)' relationship with the unprincipled in the medical fraternity may have their own nexus. Yet positive alternatives are emerging which is the need of the hour as both the North and the South suffer from heart matters! Well, let us remember, not only home, but basically life is where the heart is!

Pratima@Heart has not only reasons but also ailments that the head better know of!

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