Friday, October 25, 2024

A unique day

 October 24 is a unique day indeed. Want to know why? Well, it was on the day, back in 1945, there was this recognition that war hardly helps. Hence the founding of the United Nations on this very day.

Well, such are the present conditions that this unique day appears both relevant and irrelevant, rather like the date itself. Look at the world realities right now. The Russia-Ukraine is now a two years old wound, oozing not merely blood, but rotten pus as well! If that is not enough, the West-Asian operation is successfully unsuccessful. The patient is refusing to emerge from the self-induced coma! What all new developments happen every day on that front!

The U.N., however, has been both present and absent, rather like a ghost during the daytime, there and yet nowhere! It has such a wonderful framework, and yet it is completely lacking in any efficacy.  In brief, on October 24, yet again we feel Intensely that the world has not really understood that tragedy called war in which the only entity that wins is the war itself!

The date is important because it marks the world mental awareness day as well. They say that even in an ever ebullient, aspirational India, three in every ten citizens, suffer from depression. It is a new warfare, staged at the mindscape. Unfortunately, however, in this territory, there is no mediator, however inefficient, like the U.N. 

It is a battle one fights with oneself, wherein one is all-in-one, the enemy, the occupied territory, the devastating minefield, the innocent citizens dying by dozens or taken hostage. In brief, it is a tunnel with no light at the end!

Pratima@The fight with oneself, with self as the only mediator, is a scarring war. But it has yet, inbuilt within, its unique moments of sheer lucid trek one can attain despite all the muddied paths full of troubles and travails!

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