Saturday, October 19, 2024

Milking Tata

 The title of our blog must surprise you. Yes, one agrees that the Tata story is the 'salt to software saga' all right. Yet there never has been any reference to any Tata milk conglomerate, one would say, right? 

Fair enough! Who is, however, talking here about what that wonderful man attained in his lifetime? Rather, the title is a sarcastic comment on how online portals, all sorts of rags, both on- and offline, are overflowing with all sorts of sleazy details about a life well lived.

True, he was inspirational. Yes, indeed was his life worth knowing. But why dig up the dirt about his unfulfilled love affair? Well, some publications went so far ahead as to fetch the pic of 'her', the 'mystery woman' in his life, and publish it with some senti but skanky title!

Some channels have gone further still. They are listing all of his four, or is it five, love affairs! There is screaming and screeching about his unfulfilled love stories which takes the reader/listener next to his parents' messy divorce. On and on the spiel continues!

Hence the title! Till the next 'breaking' news happens, the media is going to 'milk' poor Tataji's life ad infinitum, nay, as nauseam. I am expecting soon an interview with the Head of the orphanage from where he was adopted!

How much to sensationalise the life of a public figure for the sake of the TRP!?! Why thus trivialise his memory? Where does such 'investigative' journalism end, and ugly gossip mongering begin? Do not the dead have any right to privacy? Or all that matters is 'entertainment, entertainment, entertainment'? That is the moot question!

Pratima@ Equally responsible are the viewers for the 'milking Tata' phenomenon. The media industry dishes out what the viewer/reader wants. It serves what the masters, eh, viewers /readers, order!

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