Wednesday, October 2, 2024


 Ageism is vicious and ageism is rampant. You do not believe me, right? No issues! Read the following three 'jokes', and then let us talk. Hope that is okay. So here we go.

Joke Number 1: What is the similarity between the moon and the dentures? Both come out at night. Joke Number 2: Which trophy can the aged win? Only one. The atrophy of every type. Joke Number 3: How can the aged have a smoking hot body? Try cremation.

Have you noticed that the 'jokes' are getting more and more nastier and crueller? Actually, these days even the young wear dentures of all sorts, be it the clips for the protruding teeth, the bridges for the missing teeth, to give a few obvious instances. 

Similarly, the youth today suffer from weird atrophies of all sorts. But who pays any attention at all? It is easy instead to mock the aged, right? As for the cremation, it is a really wicked joke in truly bad taste. But, believe me, it gets the loudest guffaws and claps! Some proof of ageism, right?

What is ageism? Let me provide a proper textbook definition. Ageism refers to the denial of basic human rights to older persons and is considered a prevalent prejudice in society, leading to discrimination in various areas such as the workplace, healthcare, nursing homes, media, and emergency services.

Yes, I AM going to continue the symbolic  yellow (colour of withered autumn leaves, right?) highlight while writing about the aged because in our country currently, the aged are not accorded the traditional respect. Instead, there ARE very many discriminations against the old,  steadily growing number wise. 

The life span has grown, but the kind acceptance of/for the elderly has withered to tatters due to the consumerist mode strengthened by globalisation and rapid urbanisation. "Use and throw" is the matra currently. 

On October 1, the International Day for the Elderly, here is a fervent appeal  to treat the Elderly (not the aged, please! See how the nomenclature changes the very attitude, right?) well because every household these days has at least one person nearing ninety, if not beyond!

Pratima@***As usual, Japan where the sun rises the first, has much to teach the whole world in this context, too. There is NO retirement (age) in Japan. People continue to work as long as they can. I suppose, that adds the much needed independence and respect to age.***

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