Sunday, October 27, 2024

The dirtiest place

 With Diwali just around the corner, all of us are busy cleaning up the home in our own way, right? Obviously that adds to the dirt in the city where anyways there would be  mounds, if not mountains, of all the refuse of the city.

That made me wonder, and hence I tried to find out which the dirtiest city could be in the whole world. Surprise of surprises, in the top five, you have New York. In fact, in one of the surveys, it is the dirtiest! Oh, yes, Bejing is there, too, not to forget London!

No, New Delhi is not there in the top ten. But Lahore shares the dubious honours. How can we forget our very own Mumbai? Can we arrive at some generalizations on the basis of these possibly dirtiest cities?

Mostly, it is the metros, be it New York, London, Mumbai that are the dirtiest. Understandable is the fact, given the fast and furious life style of the metros which induces the use-n-throw mentality, I suppose!?!

Yet another likely candidate appears to be the capital cities, Bejing, Lahore, London. Well, in the capital, there would be lot of refuse, both the political refuse which leads us to the other typical refuse, right?

No need to feel proud that only Mumbai figures in this dubious list because in the list entitled 'the most polluted cities', in  the five  most polluted cities, four are from India. Be it Kanpur, Gaya, Faridabad, Delhi, the causes for pollution are absolutely man-made, right? The dirt, the pollution, are man-made, but nature bears its brunt!

Pratima@What about the mental refuse, jealousy, viciousness, harassment, cruelty, crookedness, vindictiveness, shamelessness? Such junk dirties only one possible place, the human mind, full of lies, boasts and hypocrisies, the source of all that is crooked and cruel! The human mind, in brief, is the truly dirtiest space!

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