Wednesday, October 23, 2024

What can ail?

 Sure you have read John Keats' "La belle dame sans merci". Incidentally, the "merci" in the title of this much anthologised poem is the French equivalent of 'thank you'. The title hence actually means "The beautiful  woman without thanks" as the Knight in the poem finds the unknown beauty whom he thinks he humours a lot.

Well, the analysis of that interesting poem is not our theme today. The much repeated question in the poem, as reflected in the title of our blog, is our theme today. Well, do not you think it needs to be asked in-n-about multiple fields?

Okay, how about education?  The content and the mode of education determine the character and the future not only of an individual but of an entire community, why, of the very nation itself. What ails our education system?

Yes, the Macaulay Minutes as most all know by now, and casually quote, as usual without having read a word thereof or thereabouts. That is the hallmark of the so-called progressive, modern, liberal intellectuals, too.  They would quote Manu, Shahu, Phule, Ambedkar, de Beauvoir and others of such ilk, without having read a word of what was actually enunciated in the books by or on  these much mentioned names.

Yes, the course final  evaluation needs a serious overhaul. So do the textbooks. So does the learning methodology.  What radically needs to change, however, is the attitude to learning. Majority of students in colleges and universities think of studies as a timepass, as a side business.

They never attend lectures. On the Traditional Day, one gets to know the actual strength of the student numbers. Very few visit the library, both the offline and the online varieties. Souls sold to social media, students want the least difficult 'exam' that they can 'manage' with rote learning, some points somehow mugged up the night before.

They are the happiest if the teachers give lots of off lectures, teach the least, but indirectly indicate the question paper which has to be the easiest. With basic theory thus the weakest, how can students manage the entrance tests many companies administer before they call a candidate for the GD or the PI.

What ails then the education system? The mindset basically.  Sure the degree-job equation needs de-linking. Yes, skill-sets need refining. Yet soft skills are secondary. What is primary is the deep, thorough understanding of and knowledge of the subject. Thus develops the thinking power, the analytical strength, the real amalgamation of complexities that would be the very much necessary HOTS, demanded by the AI era. 

Who cares though? 'Enjoy' is the mantra. No wonder, 'suffer' is the only consequence! What use would be the demographic dividend, if it is just a huge majority without any depth or synergy!?!

Pratima@ There is no alternative to sincerely studying. No app no 'Nirali' guides can truly help.  If our students do not inculcate the modes of learning, how will they survive Revolution 4. 0 which is already assuming the next avatar!

Blaming foreign universities, blasting that usual suspect called casteist injustice, fulminating against the cost-efficient reduction of education in to a business/product  cannot substitute commitment. The lack thereof is what ails truly!

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