Saturday, October 5, 2024


 The recent most solar eclipse was actually a great beauty, too. Unlike its counterpart in April, it was not much talked about in the media though. The April eclipse was a media frenzy. The entire route as the eclipse progressed was literally jam-packed. Every moment was broadcast, and in multi-media mode.

The recent October 2 eclipse was not that tom-tom-ed. Both are natural phenomena.Why then the difference between the depiction? Well, to understand that you have to know where happened what!

The April eclipse took place in the mighty America. But natural it would be that every fraction of each second would be blown big. America has a yen for it. The U.S. is excellent at both, self-advertisement, and its corollary, self-aggrandisement. Hence everything that happens in America is by definition  beautiful, perfect, in short, American!

Latin-America, the stepchild of history, cannot afford that kind of self-indulgence. Well, the October 2 solar eclipse was mostly seen in the southern most part of South America, Chile, Antarctica, et al. Neither can such parts of the world manage nor are they used to the American kind of self-advertisement.

Invisible are such events, such countries. Rather like the poor relative uninvited for a grand party. Actually, they lack the American trick of self-advertisement. Not only amongst nations, but in human relations, too, we can observe such invisibilities. There always are the  very many visibly invisible, and then there are a few truly visible, however much they might be rendered invisible.

There are the few super achievers who are invisible as they let their brilliant talent do the talking, while there are the very many mediocrities who love echoing their minor successes via the huge eco systems. Even if they sneeze, it becomes a major act! Well, each to his/her own. The real worth is by the true always known!

Pratima@ At times, I do get the feel that hidden behind the self-glorification are major insecurities. Hence the gilding of the gone-case reality. May be, some time later, let us analyse this complexity in greater detail!

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