Saturday, July 10, 2021

Because she was a mother

In one of his rather celebrated poems , which has become still more memorable due to the music and singing by Hridaynath Mangeshkar,  the Marathi poet, Grace, presents, as many suppose it to be (despite the multiple contrary interpretations), a dirge on maternal death.

Related to it is an anecdote about how  a calf would always cry whenever  it would hear drums getting beaten. Apparently, each time a drum beats, says the calf, he would remember his mother whose skin went in to the making of the drum.

That intimate is the relationship between parents, often the mother, and children. So physical it is, and yet so emotional/spirtitual. Its philosophy, its ideology have been much debated/discussed, even negatively, too.

As tomottow begins Ashadha, the month that made Kalidasa write "Meghdootam" (ashadhsya pratham diwase/megham ashlishta sanum), I have decided to write on the depiction of  the "mauli" feel in the Marathi bhakti poetry till the Ashadhi Ekadashi. 

Till then, let me conclude with Christina Rossetti's appeal, "and, long us bless/receiving as you give/Great Happiness!"

pratima@ "Aai (-n-Papa), you are the best/

                  For your affection ain't death any test!"

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