Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Mother Figure in Marathi Bhakti Literature : 4

                      The Mother Figure in Marathi Bhakti Literature : 4

Let us discuss Namdeva today. Ineveitable is the choice in a way as Sant Janabai's and Sant Namdeva's divine destinies were intertwined. So much so that Janabai addresses herself as "Namyachi Jani", that is, the maid who belonged to Namdeva.

My perspective for now looking at Namdeva's use of the mother motif is slightly different. For one thing, right from the early stages of his devoteedom to his later evolved phase, Namdeva prioritises `bhakti' over even dnyan/knowledge, penance, rituals, asceticism or detatchment. He lived the life of a grihasthashrami/householder, but with the naam/recital of the Lord's name as the antedote to this possible separation from god. 

Often in his writing, the vatsal rasa, that is, affection or enderaing fondness is the leitmotif. In his life story, often we have incidents wherein he would obstinately insist in a child like way that the Vithoba idol must partake the prasad offered, must feed him like a mother does a baby. Given this very intimate indulgence often granted by his soulmate, Vithoba, the mother feel permeates his poetry.

Just as he often glorifies Pandharpur and praises Vithoba till the utmost, the last limits of the heavens, he often refers to his God as his `mauli', as the Aai of all the oppressed, every dispossessed. Why, he even uses baby like words, the affectionate childrenese to describe his bond with his deity, Vithoba, whom he often presents as a baby or as a child, as the Bal Krishna, naughty, lovable, As his often repeated metaphor puts it, the bird may fly away from the nest in serach of food. Yet every feather supporting the flight flies back to its chicks. That is the intimate relationship between god-devotee, the empathy between the baby and her/his Aai!

pratima @ the tenderness that is deotion

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