Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Why Posts on the blog?

Why do I so consistently post write-up's on the blog? Keep related status on the what'sapp? Because I love to write? Nope, that is not the reason coz I do have literary, critiacl, theoretical spaces wherein I can create scripts with value addition,too.

I write here on this blog because my feelings, my emotions are involved. Yes, as one of Aai's senior relative hinted, neither she nor he would return because I write this blog. I know that. In fact, the only wish I have for them is that they enjoy infinite peace wherever they are, especially after a life full of difficulties and strifes galore.

One of the reasons could be I want to keep their memories alive. After every demise, life carries on, the world goes on, as it must. In that inevitable fast forward journey, however, the junctions that defined our very routes, our every track must forever remain significantly visible. Hence this nostalgic trip down the memory lane, and beyond.

Yet another reason could be that I wish to wipe out conscious misunderstandings, prejudices, perceptions created against them knowingly out of jealousy, hatred or simple mean oneupmanship, constantly practised. Just because many people support such devilry out of whatever compulsions possible, it does not mean that the ganged-up lies should go scotfree. Let me give a concrete example. Aai may forget a thing or two due to old age. There are many downright cranky oldies who are much, much better experts in this field. A goof-up memory-wise happens even to the best of youngsters. Hence the need to esablish the sharp creativity and intelligence of Aai. Similarly, Papa knew the worth of money given his difficult life. That does not make him stingy. There is a foever urgent need to protect and project  the innocence of these simple folks, genuine people. 

Otherwise, horrendous lies under the guise of fun memories would float foever. One of her relatives has this impossible, creepy story of how Aai would ration out her semolina kheer. Why this queer memory, whence this outlandish memoir, hope at least the Lord knows. Hence the need for a genuine narrative that shows all their goodness in all its wonderful glory, simple but genuine.

Am I in the process making them angels by the hearth? No way! I am just celebrating their genuine worthiness, and my love for them!

pratima@ continual respect and love that transcends the mandated                        mourning period

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