Thursday, July 29, 2021

Paradigm: Further Musings

 I signed off yesterday with Icarus. In my opinion, the Icarus story, often associated with human vaulting ambition and/or imagination, is a story about filial relationship as well.

Who was Icarus? For the uninitiated, let me briefly narrate his story. According to Greek mythology,  Icarus is the son of Daedalus. His father, Daedalus, happens to be a superb craftsman. Apparently, they want to escape Crete. The father creates wings made of wax and feathers. These contraptions are dicey though. If Icarus flies too low, the  dampness of the sea  would clog the wings. If he flies too high, the sun would melt them. Apparently, in his excitement or due to his pride, he flies too high, thus too close to the sun. The ineveitable happens!

Why do I think that the Icarus tragedy reflects the filial feelings/failings? In my opinion, Daedalus is like the much too much indulgent parents today. Such a parent provides the progeny with everything the brat demands. Neither the sun nor the moon could be the limit to the indulgence of such a parent.

In the process, the child becomes self-obsessed. Nor does the kid know how to take a `no', while, later on , life is often going to hit with a brick, at times by tons. In other words, due to excessive pampering  born out of indulgent, liberal parenting, the child's future is at jeopardy. May be, the tiger parent's kid would never suffer this way, used as (s)he is to negation, discipline, self-control. Hence I feel that a judicious mix of the two paradigms, the tiger parent and the libereal parent is the ideal solution that my own parents sure provided.

What do you think? Any response(s)?

pratima@such a rise can be the fall 

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