Friday, September 30, 2022

Brave Heart

 Life is real tough these days. You might not have bothered anyone even one small bit. But many might have their own agendas. Others might have their own axes to grind. They hence need to drag you in to their ugly mafioso dealings. Disgusting it is. Since they do not have the courage to harass you flagrantly, everything is indirectly bothersome. Such a context is full of constant stress right? How to survive then, that is the question!

A very easy way out is being a braveheart, and the best one around. One learns to completely ignore them. One chooses to assert that their mean, dirty, empty minded gobbledygook cannot have any effect. People who are sensible enough would never believe them as they know you real well. How does it then matter how the riffraff reacts? One should just pity them knowing very well that universal justice according to which this world runs would sure take care of them.

If you thus are a braveheart, your heart becomes sound, too. That is the utmost requirment of the current times. Sound heart and a sound body. That is the mantra now.

Let us hence eat healthy, exercise regularly, and most importantly, laugh heartily at the stupid behaviour of those trying to bother you. They have a very weak brain and no heart! On this World Heart Day, better to heartily laugh at such heartless vermin! 

Pratima@ Be forever a happy braveheart/                         Live a life full, creative and smart!

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Dream Floats

 Boats and ships are indeed dream floats. Remember the Titanic? Despite its tragedy, most of us would have loved to set sail on that wonder, right? It was literally a tryst with the high seas, though the dream unfortunately soured in to a nightmare. 

Indeed the seas and, more specifically sailing the seven seas, have long attracted mankind. Remember the childhood stories of Sindabad and Robinson Crusoe? Or that terror named Life of Pi? In fact, literature is full of great sea ventures, mythical and otherwise. We hence love the Odyssey more than the Iliad, right? Who can ever forget Captain Ahab and Billy Budd? Or Hemingway's old man and his destiny defined by the sea? Well,  the mythological  Noah's Ark could very well be the first ship, right? Apparently, the devout and the dedicated have located its sea-withered structure, though!

Sea-faring, as Coleridge's great Ancient Mariner proves beyond any doubts whatsoever, is often symbolic, and of multiple aspects and at very many levels. Yet sea-faring is not merely story; it is very much history, too,  as Vasco Da Gama, Marco Polo and Columbus and their sea routes, never silken though, proved beyond any doubts.

Well, even today, despite the pirate trouble , trade via the sea-routes is very much in vogue as it is less costly in comparison with the air freight. As it is, our earthly universe is more water than land. With better navigation modes and the revolution in communication systems, shipping is less dangerous now even when there are threatening storms in the deep seas away from the comfortable shores.

 I remember how i used to check the sea routes and the horror hurricane info along these, when my brother used to sail. It used to be nerve-wracking, waiting for his letters only when his ship would reach a port, as in the eighties, mobiles/the internet were almost non-existent. Yet these brave shippies would choose to bear the brunt of the dangers posed by the deep seas and high winds, and sail on as if the rocking and rolling ships were dream floats. Here is wishing these bravehearts a Happy World Maritime-n-Navigation day! 

Pratima@Where the wind-tossed seas meet the skies/At such distant horizons, dream floats surprise/To such wise surmises of directions and currents/forever bow our heads in endless salutes! 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Travel : The Virus that cures

The whole world is now almost cured of the Covid virus. May be, hence, yet another trendy virus of a rather different variety, and beyond any vaccination, the travelitis, hath most all human beings in thrall. Oh, yes, now with most all restrictions removed, mankind is back to its nomadic avatar. If the forefathers of the human race travelled from Africa to everywhere, their contemporary descendants are travelling from everywhere to anywhere, including the space!

Yes, now that it has rained rather a wee bit too amply, it is very much the selfie time, much missed due to the Covid terror. You know how typical tourists are. They see less, they experience zilch, but they keep on clicking away. A selfie is a must, even if that translates to almost getting washed away under a waterfall. Such is the monsoon madness, the time when the wanderlust hits hard.

Given the fact that the globalisation has, since the natty nineties, released restrictions on movement not only of goods, but of culture and people as well,  tourism is a fact of life these days. Why, tourism is a source of income and a tap to milch the GDP!

Tourism is the real viral event currently. Well, yes, travel is good in many ways. It breaks the boring routine. It makes you sharp and smart, without getting world weary in the process.  In Sanskrit and Marathi, millions of aphorisms and quotes refer to the brilliant halo it gives the traveller.

Remember our childhood favourite stories? Sindabad to Ulysses, Crusoe to the hero of Verne's "Eighty days around the world", such reads have made  us truly travel freaks. Now with the AI and the hologram, we can virtually be everywhere while being a couch potato with a packet full of the most exotic and hence the most expensive food item on the side table. The world, in brief , is literally at the tip of our fingers and tongues, unlike the Columbus-es and the Vasco da Gama's of yesteryears.

The most educative, enlightening, and eerie, too, i would believe, travel is the journey within. It introduces you in the most effective way to the best buddy you can ever have, your own self. It crosses all the time spans and spaces. Indeed, the mind is in its place, and makes a heaven of a hell, right? So, on the world tourism day, here is wishing everyone a "bon voyage". May your wanderlust awaken you in that heaven of total freedom and complete understanding!

Pratima@ Travel a lot in whichever region you wish. Thither you have nothing to lose but the chains of your ignorance and prejudice!

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Fun, yes, but!

 There is this series on the internet that shows Mona Lisa in very many Indian garbs. En passim I saw five Indian avatars of "Mona Darling". Well, since she is presented in the Indian costumes, why not give her the famous filmy moniker? 

In one of these presentations, she is the Marathi Tai, in another, the New Delhi socialite, in yet another, the Gujju Ben, and so on. Sure, it is fun. It is creative in a way, too, especially because a cursory glance at these 'creations' showed the careful detailing. Fine and fun so far.

Yet the very fact that it took the internet by storm proves the possibilities of female harassment hidden in such 'fun'.  Honestly, the mobile inter-net-ted is a dangerous combine as the Chandigarh University episode proves.

Well, in a way, some people would argue that ,to quite some extent, the Chandigarh episode began between two consenting adults, it seems, and thence went viral. In a way, it was the personal choice of the woman concerned to get into the 'web' thus.

The  Mona Lisa re-drape, on the contrary, shows the dangerous dark side of the internet. The fun Mona Lisa attempt proves the identity tampering possibilities involved. Anyways, very many such horrible identity stealing's are already a reality, it seems.

With very effective enhancers, filters and editors, photoshopping is now child's game literally.  In other words, 'soft'ware is getting harsh and hard by the day. Let us not forget the AI induced 'metaverse'! In other words, by the hour literally, newer and more sophisticated tools for re-creating reality are getting finer. 

This is downright dangerous for women. An absolutely innocent woman could fall a prey to such a prank as any face can be photoshopped to any body in any context. I believe many such cases are already pending, waiting for justice.

Well, it is true that technology is innocent, but what to do of/with the weird wicked viewpoints of cheap people with truckloads of time on hand? Moreover, banks are bending backwards to provide loans. Anyone can hence buy a multimedia mobile, even a swanky one, right?

I suppose, the internet cell of the police must get stricter with such 'toolboxes'. There must be very many trained women officers, I think. The best solution, of course, has to be sensitising the male point of view as such horrible weirdos possibly could not have any mind.

 Any trespass in the private space of any human being, especially a woman, is downright criminal. Just as laws must get stricter, men must grow up, too! First must they learn to take a "no" which is every woman's birthright. 

I fervently hope that such a prayer for a fair, and therefore lovely, ambience gets heard during the navaratri utsav which would then transcend mere ethnically dressed dancing with truckloads of training! 

Pratima@ The way to hell is paved with the best intentions, or these days, it could be with the latest re-creation-al software!

Monday, September 26, 2022

Music lingers in the memory

 Had the good fortune to attend a music enriched evening this weekend. Initially, there was a celebration of the oeuvre of-n-by the flutist Pandit Gindeji on the occasion of his eightieth birthday. His disciple performed on various types of flutes. Finally, Gindeji explicated the uniqueness of the unusual flute he crafted. It was a short but large-hearted tribute ceremony. 

It was followed by an interview of - cum - demo by Enoch Daniels, the great master of accordion, and a superb pianist. What a wonder and a revelation it was!

"Ripeness is all" could very well be the theme of his grand performance. At almost ninety years of age, he performed faultlessly as if the tunes were etched on his very soul. When he was playing the piano, his entire being seemed to become the song. He literally seemed to forget the rest of the world. His art was indeed magnificent.

Equally interesting was the man himself. A famous arranger and a musician, he has hobnobbed with the best in the music world in India. Yet he was unbelievably humble and down to earth. His views on all the greats he worked with were real balanced. He talked real well of how film music must suit the narrative context. 

He had cut discs of film instrumental music those days, quite some wonder in itself. Yet when he talked of his contribution to filmy and non-filmy music, and the subtleties involved, he was honest humility itself 

Two moments stood out this evening. When he was asked a question about his marriage, at the oh-so-very-young age of 90, he literally blushed and glowed! That would be real romance, right?  Equally interesting was his story of why and how he made the ChaCha and Calypso et al type of versions of Hindi film songs. 

Almost three hours flew away on the wings of melodies and memories. One would not in that span and space remember a single worry surrounding the humdrum realities besieging us.  No wonder, it is said that music is the best medicine, a fact ideally proved by the master performer nearing ninety!

Pratima@Great verse and superb melody cast a unique spell/Trance shriven, the magic moments let us in a dream world dwell!

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Healthy care!

 The first chemist's shop in India was opened in 1811, it seems. Then onwards, pharma workers of all types and levels, one would like to say, have been very important in the health care ecosystem of India, and indeed of the entire world.

Undoubtedly, in the health industry hierarchy, the patient should be in the center. Unfortunately, in India, she/he never is! Like most all establishments in India, the health care system in India is top-down as well. The doctor, hence, is at the centre these days, not to forget the specialist!

Next on the rung are the paramedics such as the nurses, the  physiotherapists, for instance. Equally important are the chemists. In an India, where, off the counter medicine works a lot, they are almost mini doctors.

The Covid years have shown us that pharma companies too, are central to the human(e) existence. In fact, Indian, in fact, Pune based pharma companies helped literally the whole world to get better soon. 

Of course, there have been conspiracy theories galore and horribly ugly narratives of how the big pharma companies and the medical world could be in cahoots. Well, yes, human depravity indeed needs no pits to sink in to! It is indeed very fallen already.

Yet, despite such possible cruelties and crudities, medicine and its younger sibling,  the pharma industry in all its forms does deserve our thanks. Long live the pharma industry for a healthy humanity! And, oh, yes, indeed both Hippocrates and Charaka, and their various descendents in very many avatars are part of the entire health eco-system that could make "well-being" as the real huma(e) goal. So long live both these and go thee away, disease in the company of thy twin sister, death!

Pratima@ Health can be wealth for the pharma industry in many ways. Hope it would always follow the healthy and humane path!

Saturday, September 24, 2022

In Memoriam

 In the month of Bhadrapada, according to the Hindu calendar, immediately after the Anant Chaturdashi, begins the Mahalaya. It is known as the pitrupaksha, literally a fortnight dedicated to the annual shraddha ceremony. As per the tithi, the date according to the Hindu almanac on which the family elders passed away, the descendants are supposed to perform a puja in memoriam, offer a special naivaidya, and it is believed that the souls of the departed return to this world, and if they allow, the crow who can see them, would eat the food offered.

Even today, many, many families perform this ritual, following it in/to the minutest detail. Instead what we do, is go to the Mahamrityunjay temple, and pray with a heart full of total devotion and complete love for Papa and Aai, and offer dakshina to the guruji who chants the related mantras. I feel it is a remembrance and a tribute to both of them, and a  small little help to the guruji's family. Somehow it has a religious, a devotional overtone, unlike the donations in their names.

What i feel is that this shraddha ceremony performed in memoriam is in a way a  nmemonic, indeed necessary, in case in the hurryburry of daily lived life, the younger generations forget the sacrifices by the elders. Indeed is necessary such a time setting alarm in the 'my-space'-obsessed, self centred world today!

I look at it from yet another way. Very soon would begin the navratra which celebrates the new crop, though not this year due to the extended monsoon. May be, the shraddha dish, offered to the crow,  and shared with them by other birds, squirrels, and ants, is a very inclusive, environment conscious tribute to the bounty of nature that would generally be getting ready to ripen in the field. 

May be, it is a way of sharing with  and caring for the other species and their survival in the post monsoon period wherein they would find food scarce. In a way, a very poetic way of implying, earth thou art, from the earth thou nourish, so to the earth thou returnest!

Pratima@ Humane gratitude is all/ in to                           the  ways of nature, does it us call!

Friday, September 23, 2022

Musings:A sonnet and a line!

 This weird world of ours

 is rather a mirthless mess.

 Or is it a thread-bare maze

 That amazes with its lack of grace.

 No rules to follow in its infinite alleys

 Where win the wicked and the saucy!

 No magic seeds the primrose paths spout!

Whence a fairyland with wonders wrought?

In worthless worry why wallow though

The witless wicked in cheap victory crow.

The grand design of this complex universe

 Hath a unique pattern, rather like chess!

 King a pace pawned, the queen sure wins.

The fools in their wickedness add up the sins

In the endless abyss they swirl, ever in jinx!

Pratima@Let never despair Thee  distress/                         The wily wor(l)ds are the Trojan                        horses/ Let not sloth by stealth                           sully thy grace/Thus canst thou in                      thyself  h(e)aven trace!

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Crazy! Worrisome though!!

 Had the misfortune (oh, yes, I must be using this rather unfortunate term)  of meeting an ex-student. So he was asking in absolutely awful, broken English about my colleagues, his ex-teachers!

Actually, this"ex-" business is hyper ridiculous as well. In okay-ish English, it would be 'former'. Correcting such ultimate boring users of horrid English is an exceptionally boring activity in itself! Actually, it is not tiring at all. It leaves an awful taste in one's mouth as if one would like to puke! Simply horrible!

Well, let me get back to the terrible queries of the "ex"(!) student whose Marathi and Hindi were real poor, too! The creep started talking about how the lectures of(yuck! such crazy English is not mine!!please!!!) xyz teacher were very boring. 

Both the pronunciation and spelling were incorrect! The word sounded like "Boering". So i said, why are you referring to Ms XYZ as a war? 

He lacked both the knowledge and the wit to understand a subtle joke. So he typed the "Boering" on his mobile screen. I gave up, given the abysmal depth of his horrid ignorance. 

Instead, i tried the typical student trick of keeping eyes open, and metaphorically closing ears and  switching off attention. He yapped on,given the smile plastered on my face.  He did not seen to understand/gauge how "Boering" he himself was. 

The PMT, for a change, took pity on me. I could legitimately escape the "Boering" assault. That made me think though. What gives such creatures the idea that a classroom is a cartoon strip and a teacher a clown (they would say 'joker'! Good at card games! No worries though! Good at something at least!)?

I suppose, such  "Boering" perception is due to the depiction of colleges in films. Equally culpable are the so-called teachers, the population is quite large, who hardly conduct lectures under some pretext or the other, who know next to nothing  about the "paper", but indirectly share with the students the question paper, which they themselves or somebody from their gang has set, with basic errors galore!

Sad it is! Such weirdos, who are looking for fun in a classroom, are not even aware of how the workplace has changed radically, given the current digital advances. Actually they should be investing their energies in constantly upgrading their knowledge base now. As it is, jobs are getting scarce by the day. Very soon, the Friday pink slip would be a reality, if it already is not.

That is the truly 'boring' and absolutely real future of these weirdos. Instead of working on it, the creeps are busy declaring as "Boering" sincere teachers genuinely trying to improve their knowledge base! Well, the Lord himself would not be able to help such upbringing! Amen!

Pratima@ Why are not most students waking up to the current and future realities which are rather grim, given the tectonic shifts in practically every paradigm? Given such a future generation, how can India lead in knowledge generation or create a trillion dollar economy!?!

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Grandparental Love

 Remember James Shirley's poem that describes how death is the leveller? Undoubtedly, so! The end of every human life is indeed death. In a way, we are born to die, sooner than later.

Yet there is another leveller beyond such grim realities. I would like to insist that it is the grandparental love. Anywhere in the whole world, beyond every divide such as class or caste, grandchildren and their grandparents share a deep and very happy bond. Sure once the grandchildren grow up, their worlds, their realities change drastically, even completely. But, as kids, their strongest bond is with the grannies and grandpa's.

Well, their young parents would be busy disciplining the kids. On the contrary, the grandparents are hyper tolerant, even indulgent.  Your kid's kiddo is indeed precious every which way. So no scoldings, no beatings! Instead, with grandparents, there is only protection and affection, especially when elder siblings and/or parents are irritated with the baby of the family.

Believe me, this is the story of every family, be it our families or the royal British family. There is this sweet, cute video of the youngest son of Kate and William getting bored at some public function, and hence bothering his mom. His little sister then calls out to Grandpa Charles. The kid shoots away from the mother, bounding across six or so chairs towards his grandpa, while the father glares at the public show of indiscipline.

The kid climbs in to Grandpa's lap. He is absolutely happy and relaxed, a little embarassed at his own tantrums, while Grandpa drums on his tummy, rocks him in his lap to the tune/beat of the musical show that is on, points out some distracting fun view. The kid is happy, relaxed, enjoying, moreover, the two grandmothers, Camilla and Anne, fussing over him. A royal sight that makes every grandfather a king, every home a palace! 

We have this pic of Amar in Papa's arms. It was Amar's very first birthday. There is absolutely no difference expression wise between this pic and the photo of Ambani with his grandson on the child's first birthday; the same joy, deep love and sense of pride!

Remember the royal kids crying at the burial ceremony for their beloved gran? I have still with me Kunal's drawings of Papa's tenth day ceremony. He was hardly six, but the drawings full of crows flying in all directions are hyper-sensitive indeed.

Nobody can love each other as deeply and selflessly as grandparents and grandchildren do. As a kid, Amar was inseparable from Aai. He would get up at five in the morning so as to go with Ajji for her morning Bhajan event. After every telecast of Mahabharat, especially related to Bheema and Maruti, Siddhu used to have deep, telephonic conversation with Aai! I remember the way he had once carried a flower all the way from Neel Heights to Mukund Nagar to give it to Papa for puja. 

As for Kunal, when Aai was to return all alone from the U. S , he was weeping, Aai often remembered, inconsolably because Grandma would have to travel all alone! Aai repeatedly talked of their immense togetherness at Riviere.

Indeed, for the grandchildren and grandparents, their bond is special, very natural, and most loving. No wonder, they say in Marathi, the cream of milk is thicker and better than the milk itself!

Pratima@ Grandparents, it is said, are a bit parents, a bit teachers, but a lot best friends with silver in hair, but pure gold in heart! Incidentally, Sept 11, i just found out, is Grandparents' Day! Long live this lovely bond.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Decency denied!

 Right in the beginning of this small little blog post, i must confess that my training as a lecturer in English Studies has obviously inured me to the decolonization debate. Given my liking for French and Spanish, i am rather well-read even in those theories of decolonization. I have completed quite a number of online courses dealing with the concept. In brief, nobody can accuse me of being a besotted Anglophile. 

Yet i would like to state very clearly that i  thank my upbringing, both parental and educational. Want to know why? Well, unlike certain oh-so-called sophisticated reportage in India, i have not started grumbling that the Queen's funeral cost nine million. 

It is, in my opinion, downright indecent to bring up such debates for the sake of sensationalism. True, the British economy is not exactly doing very well. Is it necessary even then to discuss this issue now? Show a few stray examples of non-British citizens protesting in the "not my king" way?

True, there might be two rather awkward instances of the future king snapping at a leaky pen or at a laggard of an aide. Sure, he should have controlled his temper. But, after all, he, too, is a human being,  who is suffering a grievous personal loss, who is facing a difficult context. 

Does not he have the leeway of a slip or two? Do not many, in fact, most amongst us, get rather shirty under stress? Come on! Gossiping cannot be reporting! Would not it be decent to leave people alone, at least when they are grieving???

Similarly, why worry about a day being declared as a holiday or talk unnecessarily of the funeral expenditure?  Simple fact! If the ordinary British citizens were so irritated with the finances, they would not have lined up for hours on end for a few seconds of paying the Queen their last respects! They, too, would be worried about their income getting lost, right? 

Why, a Beckham was waiting it out in the queue for twelve, or was it eighteen, hours!  Can you imagine Tendulkar facing  that kinda possibility in India? Forget a mere mortal, even the darshan of the divinity would be 'managed' for a celebrity hereabouts!

Coming to brass tracks, oh, yes, the tax payers' money getting wasted due to the funeral and the state holiday! Well, yes, if i am not mistaken, the Queen was the first royal to initiate the process of paying all sorts of taxes, even on huge royal endorsements and warrant holdings by the royal family.

Well, moreover, the transmission rights across the world must have generated a huge revenue, right? Why, many a stars in India have fab weddings to sell the overseas rights, not to forget the IPL tamasha! 

Come on, after all, England is known as the shopkeepers' nation. At least, remember that triviality. Why should one be crass, indecent in an ugly way even in the face of death, and pretend to present it as journalistic debate!?! Indeed, we are living in the post-truth era, and Mr. Trump seems to have many, far too many, indeed, competitors! 

This does not mean that royalty should not change. It must, and, I suppose the new king himself is supposedly thinking of trimming it. Yet every occasion has a gravitas, an ethical standpoint. I suppose, the Queen's death is indeed the end of an era. Would not it be deemed decent to leave people alone at least for a few hours? Hunting for happening headlines does not mean denying decency, I believe!

Pratima@Being human(e) is far, far more important than denying decency and being doctrinaire!

Monday, September 19, 2022

Defining Death

 What is death? Donne called it "one short sleep". Well, i am not so sure that life, eh, its end, death, is so comfortably linear or teleological, I guess. What is death then? Our inability to never see, hear, touch, feel, be scolded, be loved to distraction  by the beloved person? The sudden pit in the stomach when life smacks you hugely in the face to make you realise this (hi)story is a chapter closed forever? That it can never be re-opened? Worse still, can never be re-written? Is death the wild despair that is born out of such total negation? What is death? Is it the tectonic regrets for the silly mistakes you committed, and now never can mend or make amends for? What is death? Your mom you fed a few minutes ago and washed the spoon and cup, and returned to realise she is no more? But she was there a few minutes ago. And gone! Then? What is death? Your father you talked to a few hours ago and you answered the telephone call about his accidental demise? What is death? It is not merely physical, though it is that, too. Something happens in your heart, in your soul. A huge vacant feel it is. Not really rituals? Though suddenly sur-really real they appear! Your logic, your reason tell you it is the entire ambience that makes you so vulnerable, but, no, there is that unmistakable call from somewhere you cannot define! What is death? A huge sob in the throat that catches, almost drowns, your breath? A space, a spectre that suddenly revealed itself, which you never imagined existed and yet was there very much? What is death? An event that turns all your belief systems upside down? What is death? The last attempt your friend's body makes to get up when someone says in 'her' presence that you are there? What is death? Well, it is something that dies within you, too. A point of no return. An utter loneliness that nothing ever fills. Well, death is forever! 

Pratima@ As death is thus so deadly, whenever life gives you a second solid chance, you use it utmost to make life better, more meaningful, more sensitised, and utmost sensible!

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Ozone Oracle

 Our earth is such a small little place in this entire huge universe whose construction is a mystery.  Is the universe built of the god particle? Or is it an eco-xample of an elite intelligent design? Questions are many; answers are constantly emerging though.

Whatever might be the process of its origin, its current status is protected by a thin layer. The thin layer of ozone protects the very life on this tiny, fragile earth. But what with the constant pollutions of all sorts and types, this thin layer is depleting gradually and fast.

Who would protect the whole world from the terrible effect of the uv rays then? Already it is getting late. We are running a losing race against Time actually.

Neither Time nor the already perforated ozone layer can be retrieved. Hence tne need to celebrate a world ozone day to make the world wise , to raise awareness. Let us take care of our earth in all possible 'spheres'. 

There could be other habitable planets, there might be habitation rich stars. Life could be already existing on the Mars.  The mankind may one day make poor Mars suffer due to colonisation! Such possibilities are probable, but not abundant in the immediate future. In the meanwhile, let us indeed  get real/let us the tragedy of ozone depletion feel!

Pratima@  Let the ozone oracle speak/ Let us not through ozone  loss, our selves trick!

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Organic food

 The organic  food? You may ask if that is the  latest fad! You may as well think so as it is quite cool these days to eternally talk of food, as if we have just come out of a famine, not an epidemic! Remember the very many khau gallies, overflowing with the never ending queues of foodies.

Actually, organic food is healthy, grown as it is a in a naturally maintained fallow land, and with natural manures. No chemicals, no pesticides are used. It can thus (p)reserve two important resources for the future, healthy land and healthy people. It can also cut down the carbon emission in a way. So its green (carbon-cobtrolling) footprint is better. It can be grown hypogenically, too.

The problem is double. For the farmer, it is a quite expensive form of farming , given the splintered land holdings, to begin with. The farmer has to mostly depend on "fresh from farm" distribution system, moreover. Why, you may ask? Given the current  cost of production the organic way, it is expensive.  The typical distribution chain as well as  the common, middle class citizen would not touch it with a farming hoe!

Organic food is quite expensive.  In the price of a kilo of organic food, say, for example, the grains, one can comfortably get almost the double of the typical fertilizer food! It IS difficult to shell out that much money! Let me give you an example, the Desi cow ka milk costs almost double the AMUL/CHITALE variety  per litre! Look, similarly, at the prices of cooking oil distilled the "lakdi ghana"/ wood press.

There are, moreover, very many other pollutions. So even if we eat naturally grown food  (managed by  a poor farmer who somehow sowed  half the land, somehow without maintaining  the family heirloom gold!), we would anyways suffer! So who would splurge on buying organic food?

Collective farming, sprinkler kind of watering may bring down the prices soon, let us hope to grow and sell farm fresh organic food. This would save the poor farmer to  get out of the tight control by the private landlords, too. Then most all only buy organic food at a comfortable cost. Life would then truly be organised organically!

Pratima@Dreams are great! They help us suffer harsh realities!! Systemic alternatives are always adrenaline assisting!!!

Friday, September 16, 2022


 When i was young, i used to find doctors fascinating. So are supposed to be the engineers. And, oh, yes, it is not merely a childhood fantasy. If doctors care for a life full of health, engineers of all sorts make life full of comforts, right?

A civil engineer builds our houses. A mechanical engineer constructs very many  devices  for it. An electrical engineer light(en)s it up. The bulbs and tubes light it up, while the fans and the A/C's lighten it with the right (air) currents. An  electronic  engineer and a computer engineer together make it tech,  especially computer, savvy. 

Engineering undoubtedly makes our life better through technology. The military engineering, for example, is truly helpful in making us safe, for instance. Yet what i truly find exhilarating about engineering is its use of logic and rationality. Engineering is reason-able indeed!

Unfortunately, however, currently, engineering is being used as a metaphor for often cobbling together impossible coalitions. What makes such and other more societal and psychological/philosophical/ social engineering a problematic concept is that it is an unreasonable mix-up, the antithesis of engineering as a way of thinking and being. Well, it is here to stay though; hope it soon finds its own Vishvaishwariya to make it both: logical, elegantly sophisticated, and socially and economically sensitive!

Pratima@Here is wishing all a "Happy Engineers aid Day"! Long live engineers!

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Hindi hai na?

 Remember the title of that ShahRukh film, "Main hun na?" Actually, propah  Allahabadi speakers of ideal Hindi would find that question cringeworthy as it is the typical Bambaiya Hindi. Compared with it, our titular question is absolutely okay.

It does open up a very important issue, moreover. Most all Indians love to hate English in public, though they crave for it in private. As a result, in a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual country like ours, English is the lingua franca.

Actually, we do have a link language of our own. That is Hindi. On the Hindi Day at least, people need to acknowledge it. Yet  given the Indian tendency to politicise everything, it has become a bone of contention between the South and the North. The southerners consider the use of Hindi an imposition, it seems. Personally I believe though that such an attitude widens gulfs that could engulf our unity, our togetherness. 

As a result of such bickerings, the three language formula dithered at the school level, and we have managed to produce users who speak their own mother tongue with a dash of Hindi, given the bollywoodisation of the very existence. So neither are such dodos good at the mother tongue nor at Hindi. Their English is nothing much to write, forget home, anywhere about!

Actually, Hindi has its own sweet allure. Most Hindi speakers have a very polite lingo. Listening to 'native' speakers of Hindi, whether it be the shudh Sanskrit version of the Allahabad type or the urduised Lucknow variety, Hindi is real sweet on ears.

The gangajamani Dakhni of Hyderabad is hilarious though. Wanna know why? They use a combo of Urdu, Hindi, Marathi, with some Punjabi. In Dakhani, they say "nakko" and "hau" (it sounds like the English 'how') for 'no' and 'yes' respectively.

Let us end our celebration of Hindi with the Dakhani juban. A Britisher comes to Hyderabad as he has heard a lot about the Charminar. He reaches quite near the four minarets. Since he has come such a long way off, he just wants to be quite sure. A typical Hyderabadi Mianji is passing by. The  British fellow asks him"Is this the Charminar?" Prompt comes the answer "hau". The British fellow is quite surprised. He repeats the question. The answer is repeated, too. The question-answer session goes on for quite some time, getting angrier by the minute! Finally, irritated, both go their own ways!  That is the Babel of babble for you!

Pratima@ "A nation is dumb without a state language," said Gandhiji. Absolutely!

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Quo vadis?

 Apparently Pune is the Oxford of the East. Well, many a college in Pune have such an awful academic culture that you would wonder why Oxford is at all considered THE university! As if that is not enough, very many students are happy doing everything else except studying.

Take the current scandal. It seems pubs are hiring students as party fillers, especially during the weekends. There actually are p.r's operating in the so-called elite colleges to tap such eager enthusiasts, and it seems they do get hundreds of willing candidates.

A sad scenario! True, fun does matter a lot in youth. But the problem is with being used as a product. Moreover, such regular pub attendance at very low, in fact, throwaway prices is sure to make such desperados get  hooked on to the party culture. That would be just a step away from addictions of all sorts.

The sad truth is that the so-called elite colleges, if our guess is quite right, mostly house a floating (in all senses of the term) population. They are hostelites, mostly from better off families, with vain notions about themselves and creepy ideas of fun. Add to this the 'cheap' excitement of almost a freebie of an entrance. A surefire recipe for disasters of all sorts!

The police, the educational institute and the parents must wake up fast. Modernity has NOTHING to do with doing drugs on an empty stomach, followed by a speedy ride. Modernity does NOT lie in trendy clothes, fashionable glares and stupid, brainless behaviour.

 Unfortunately, however, these days, even mothers (Can any woman in her senses allow her son(s) such silliness? Well, biology does not grant a woman a 'maternal' feel!) encourage their sons in to such 'freedom'! And, mommies with darling daughters are not at all far behind in this absurd race. Drinking and smoking, no wonder, are quite okay among girls, too, say de-addiction centers.

Sad times! How i wish these horrors called mammas wake up, and so do the pubs. Do these so-called 'smart' people realise how absolutely uncool they are, and sport the filthiest attitudes? Hope college campuses are sensitive to such dangers, too, while the society at large stands up to such evils!

Pratima@ If bad is for you good, and good is bad/ Near total ruin you sure are, what a silly fad!

Tuesday, September 13, 2022


 All of us love to hate the social media. That, at least, is the lip service we pay to social face saving. Yes, we all pay lip service to how addictive the social media are, and yet we crave for using these, too.

Well, in my opinion, not all forms of social media are bad though. WhatsApp chat is inevitable now, even professionally. As most all are quite busy, hardly do we get time to spend time on the WhatsApp. Moreover, it is downright boring. Yes, the WhatsApp is almost a university online, and it appears to vie with the Wikipedia as far as democratic distribution of information goes. I find it hyper boring though. The same messages, full of wrong information often, get forwarded ad infinitum. In fact, most often these messages are extremely partisan, quite ill-informed, and rather awfully hate-mongering.

That is not quite the case with the YouTube. May be, because making a video is both time consuming and quite expensive as a process, the YouTube videos are much better in information generation and distribution. Practically there is not any issue under the sun on which there would not be a YouTube video available.

Most useful are the 'how to' types. I use them quite often to sort out all sort of fixtures. And they seem very popular, too. Why, people have apparently made fortunes through such "subscriptions", it seems, when they are the rage of the internet space. 

Money need not matter much to these enthusiasts, i suppose, at least not in the initial stage. The best example of the proof of this statement of mine would be the pet videos. The YouTube (bow-)wows the viewers with  many such cute, loving videos. These loving masters make mushy reels of their pets which enrich the pet pal feel in a great way! Quite necessary, i would say, for humanising a self-obsessed world full of multiple Cruella's of all sorts!

Pratima@ Pet pal videos transform YouTube in to MyTube, presenting emotional realities vibrant even in the post-truth period!

Monday, September 12, 2022

Uneasy lies the head...

 Remember Diana of her heydays? She was quite a fashionista. Had more of a fashion icon status than even her contemporary actresses. Her life was quite sensational, too. She knew everything about her future husband before getting in to the wedlock. And, yet, she managed to turn around, and shred in to tatters the already in crisis kinda credibility of the royalty as an institution. She chose to gallivant about with multiple lovers, and yet be called the 'people's princess'!

Such cushioned and comfortable life made most people believe in the Cinderella myth, though rather gone awry. But is it really so? What lies behind the glamour and glory?

The glitz may blind the superficial, but every sensitive heart would realise that uneasy lies the head that wears a crown as the dead Queen's life may exemplify.  Let us look at one or two aspects of her life from this perspective.

Everybody knows that she was the longest in reign. But have you realised how difficult it must have been for her as a woman, as a mother, as a wife? Let us think of her as a career, or at least as a working, woman. Yes, 'being a queen' absolutely was a job, twenty four by seven at it, too, and under terrible relentless media glare!

Most importantly, she was pushed in to it because of the Mrs. Simpson-Wallis abdication by her uncle. In a way, she may not have been completely prepared for her role. Yet she performed it real well.

In a way, she could be compared to  Indian women with jobs circa end 1960's, early 1970's. These women would be at least a decade older than Aai's generation, attempting lives both as home-makers and working women. They did not choose work as a career. Very, very few amongst them must have done so. Most of them would have joined the work force out of financial compulsions.

Most of them would have come to big cities  from small towns, and after marriage. Mostly, their skill sets would be limited, too. Obviously, they would work as school teachers, nurses, typists, secretaries, tough, thankless jobs.

Life must have been very difficult for them, coming as they did from small towns to big cities, to begin with. Next, most of them were middle class. So the family rituals, very rigidly executed then, must have been tough to follow.  How difficult it must have been, for example, to perform the Shravan Shukrawar vrat, complete with the extremely elaborate rituals and sweetmeats, and yet manage to check in at the muster at the right time.

Those days, there would not be cooks at home. It would be unthinkable buying stuff ready made. Children would not help the mother either because by that time, it was the 'hum do, hamare do ya teen' stuff. Sons would not (be allowed to) think of helping such a mother, while daughters would be preparing for their own future careers.

The elders in the family would expect the perfect strictures at each and every detail in everyday life. Mostly, families would be joint families.  Surely, the in-laws would be there, and hence a constant line-up of relatives and visitors. The mother-in-law most probably would despise the working daughter-in-law, given her financial importance in the family.  In other words, there would not be any support system, forget emotional succour.

And the husband? He would not be a helpmeet like the versions today. He would be the dominant partner, expecting all the traditional duties of her. Children growing up would be her worry, their illnesses to their homeworks!  Moreover, male superiority would be suspicious of her every move.

That brings me back to the late Queen. Her husband would be the typical royal man, an institution, a lineage with its own chauvinism's. How did she negotiate being a queen in public with extreme pomp, and yet see to it that her royal duties did not hurt her husband's ego? She seemed to have done a rather neat job of it, however tough it must have been on her as an individual. 

Remarkable, indeed! Now let me discuss the constant scrutiny, extremely heartless at that. How did she, as a mother,  protect her children's vulnerabilities? Oh, yes, the Diana chapter was quite acrimonious in its intense public glare, and the ugly tabloid saga. Imagine the Queen's situation when Diana died. Most everyone accused her of not reacting immediately.

 But, humanely looked at, i feel she had to consider two very young boys, already shattered by the parents' horrible divorce, the ugly stories about their mother, her accidental  death, its scandal as she was with one of her lovers. The queen as a grandmother would have to comfort them, too, right? Cover up the scandal, too?!? Live up to doubts about the relevance of monarchy at such critical times as well! Tough times. Yet she seemed to do it rather gracefully.

Honestly, as a woman, my heart goes out to her. Sure, there would be minions galore. But she must have been real lonely amongst all, as a woman. Rest in peace, indeed, Lady!

Honestly, whatever could be the political leanings,  i suppose, in the Indian context, as a woman, one must admire Sonia Gandhi as a daughter-in-law. She seems to be much better at this role than many of the Indian versions everywhere around us. She appears to be a very happy aunt, mother, wife. Must have been tough for her, coming as she did from a totally different cultural, and class, background.

In brief, be it the Queen of Britain and the Commonwealth, be it the daughter-in-law of a prime minister, or be it a struggling homemaker juggling with a job, uneasy lies the gracious head of every woman who  simultaneously wears so many hats!

Pratima@ Women are wondrous! Women thrive on obstacles, I suppose. Wherever, however, how very many difficulties and obstacles are created in their path, they work wonders, overcoming them with grace and dignity, not to forget joy and humour.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Standing on ceremony

 How the Brits stand on ceremony! It was the Coronation time (or was it only the "proclamation" time? You never know! What with the way the Brits insist on ceremony!) of Charles III, oh, yes, the Prince Charming of the Padmini Kolhapure fame. After the Queen's sad death due to old age, this man, waiting in the curtains for almost six to seven decades, finally became the king in his seventies, or, at least, was "proclaimed" to be one!

The entire pageant was worth a look.  True, the monarchy in Britain has more of a token value. Often there are debates about its efficacy, valency, and necessity. And yet the British do not merely carry it on, but actually love their monarchs.

The  "proclamation pageant" was quite some proof thereof. Every minute tradition was flawlessly followed. For once, the grandeur made you "suspend the colonial disbelief", so to say   Every detail was exactly defined, religiously followed. That added a unique gravitas to the scene 

Some time back, i presented a paper on Thomas Becket, the king's man turned archbishop, a man caught between duty and affection. Anyways, Becket is one of the most interesting personas in the British history. I absolutely adore his saga. While watching the "proclamation", all those dramatic references were coming alive, each persona, the clerk to clergy, the Dukes to the king, all the 'excellencies' were getting "a name and a place" as the Bard would put it, however modern.

Indeed standing on ceremony, whether literally and/or metaphorically, adds a sincerity, a genuineness to this banal life of ours, full of stupid treacheries as it is. The minute details may appear pompous, yet they are even a visual link to history, to the modernity being and becoming. 

Our very own Ganapati festival can be an example. In our homes, for sure, we follow each and every tradition devotedly, in both senses of this term. Even in the public space, too, certain conventions are beyond any conveniences. Look at the installation and immersion of the five "manache Ganapati" in Pune, for example.

True, while standing on ceremony, certain archaic and hence questionable practices could be and should be negotiated, must be deleted, if necessary. Yet the sense of past is what makes our present, and adorns our future! Long live standing on ceremony in every sense of the term!

Pratima@"Rituals and ceremony in their due times (have) kept the world under the sky and the stars in their courses," says Terry Pritchard. Yes, indeed!

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Bidding adieu!

Watched  a cute video this evening. It showed kids crying their hearts out as they had to bid good bye to Lord Ganesha on the occasion of the Anant Chaturdashi. This is truly child like, absolutely innocent and genuine. 

The kids were really small. Looked as young as eighteen months to five years tops. They were not childish though. So they may not call the Lord 'Gampu'! Why, they seemed too small to be able to even properly say 'Bappa'!

What was truly moving was their total emotional investment in the idol. For them, it was real, like a beloved friend, a much admired  relative whose arrival brings forth in the family the happy, festive feel. 

May be, true devotion is made of this self effacing oneness with the Lord. No wonder, the entire Bhakti tradition repeatedly evokes the child metaphor for the devotee's  relationship with the deity. By the way,  even in the Romantic literature, the child allusion with all its nuances is central hence.

Such dedicated devotion needs no deafening DJ's, no ugly, obscene dances cum procession. It requires no LED lights. That is but obvious as there is no show-sha involved, there is no attempt, neither the desire to show off something, nor the viciousness to show down someone. 

The sensitive amongst adults, we, too, feel the empty vacant space in the 'devhara' after the immersion. Honestly, every year, after the immersion, for about two to three hours, i cannot bring myself to look at the 'devhara', the lovely 'makhar', the decorative arch, now empty, the lovely idol missing,  without a pang, the 'good bye' tugging at the strings of my heart. 

But as adults, we have inured ourselves to countless bye's! Moreover, we have the intellectual finesse to tell ourselves that no 'bye' is a real ' good bye' because despite bidding adieu physically, the feel, the spirit is to continue forever with us, in us, though the body, the idol may not. Why, the linguistic expressions  include this feel, too. 'Adieu', 'Adios' literally mean 'may god be with you henceforth'. 

In a way, we never really say 'good bye' actually, even when it comes to the last farewell to our near and dear ones. The body may be consigned to flames, the memories never. They chase us forever, everywhere. They guide us, they bide us from any negativity. We never bid any adieu!

Pratima@ In the end is a new beginning. Hidden within a good bye is a promise of meeting again, more enriched, enlarging the very experience.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Comfort Zone

Every era has its own catch phrase. Comfort zone is the 'open sesame' term for the first two decades, or so, of this century, nay, the new millennium. Not that it was never used earlier. The craze for its regular usage increased post the millennial year though. 

That may be because the millennial change itself pushed the mankind out of its comfort zone. First it was the Y2K scare. Soon the new millennium was to see its own "great depression" moment. The worst was the 'vision 2020' turning in to s nightmare, what with the corona virus. The unhappy narrative continues with natural disasters this year.

Given multiple such cataclysmic occurences, we have been repeatedly pushed out of our 'comfort zones' in the last twenty two years. That should explain the prevalence of the term, may be.

Now that the LPG mode has come to stay even in the so-called post-LPG period, every action has its reaction in a cascading fashion. No longer, for example, can you be  born, brought up, n buried in the same borough, unlike the pre-LPG period. Nursery onwards, we start getting pushed out of our neighborhood. No comfort zone thereafter!

Given such a lack, the yen for it, may be. We always pine for what is not, as Shelley prophesised almost two centuries ago. What exactly is this comfort zone, anyways? May be, a set of habits that give us a sense of security in an uncertain world?

Comfort zones are both necessary, and unnecessary. Let me give you an example. At home, we are tenderly taken utmost care of  by our most loving parents. That caring cocoon is yanked, and rudely roughed up, when we stay in a hostel for further studies, may be. We are properly pushed out of our comfort zone every which way. 

As the basic core values are strong, we for sure manage to stay afloat adroitly despite the roaring, in the spate, stream of changes. This complete change of context toughens us, without making us rough or coarse in the process. The thin skin is so bruised so often that there emerges a protective crust cooping carefully the inner core. We remain in the comfort zone thus, while getting pushed out of it.

In brief, at every stage of our lives, we require both, being in the comfort zone, and being pushed out of it to emerge better and stronger. Long live, and leave, comfort zones!

Pratima@ "Do one thing every day that scares you," wrote Eleanor Roosevelt. Indeed! Coz what does not confront you, does not change you for the better!

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Avoid the excess!

 There is this very interesting proverb in Sanskrit, "ati sarvatra varjayet". Translated loosely, it would mean our title today, "avoid any excesses". Indeed a truly worthy advice! 

Any excess is bothersome. That is absolutely true of the vices. How about our virtues, you would ask. Well, virtues, too, are a problem if they are, or are practised, in excess. 

Want an example? Being straightforward is a great virtue. Its excess is dangerous though. Want literary examples? Remember Desdemona? How about Ophelia? Both of them suffer horribly because of their terrible straightforwardness. 

 So does Cordelia! If any one of these  worthy women were less straightforward, their lives would be absolutely different! They could not help it though. You are determined by your character, of the inner variety, let it be clarified, as a woman's virtue is involved!

Let me give you the example of Raja Harishchandra. Honesty is the greatest virtue. His life shows how you suffer in a wicked world due to your honesty. Sure it is finally rewarded. 

In real life, it may not be. Moreover, the suffering in between till it gets rewarded would be unspeakable as well as unbearable. Satyakama Jabalí should undoubtedly an ideal, but only in moderation is what the world would  suggest.

Let us get to the real, in its innateness neither literary nor religious nor mythical, world of today. Using the mobile, for example, is good. In excess, the social media can be a source of ruin, and not merely of the eyesight, but of our very vision, too, right?

Hope someone could tell the monsoon this year to avoid its excess. Well, we have forced the abnormalities in nature. Our excessive interference in the natural cycle has led to many natural disasters the world over, from wild fires to flash floods, for instance. Time the mankind tells itself yet again, avoid the excess!

Pratima@ Any excess is absolute distress!

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Child-like is not childish, right?

 English as a language is simply superb as far as precision goes. To begin with, English is an exceptionally laconic language that believes in understatement. Often, hence, very few adjectives are used. Want proof? Read "The Old Man and the Sea" by Hemingway.  Adjectives and adverbs are as rare as the ever elusive great find!

Similarly, Orwell's honesty of vision is matched by the cleanliness of his language. A truly precise language, it avoids the fluff of fancy verbosity. May be, the sharp honesty of his vision comes from the stark simplicity of his language, or vice versa.

For many, it would be utmost difficult either to write purely or to think absolutely honestly like Orwell. Yet is it indeed necessary to go to the other extreme, and think, behave, and  hence write in a very vapid, banal way? 

I would not know it! I would find it in rather poor taste. Can I give you an example or two? Well, yes, i absolutely adore Lord Gajanana as a deity, as a concept, as an art form, too. 

Surely though i would not call him Bappa. It suits a child to speak of the Lord thus. Nor would he be Gampu in my blog. Sure, the God-devotee relationship is indeed unique. And, in a democracy, anybody is free to call anybody anything as most people believe, and so speak! Or, rather utter the gutter way. How can the poor deity be an exception to this man-made wor(l)ds?!?

Even then, when in this twenty-first century world of ours, every other way  everyone turns adult real fast, why act baby like only when it comes to referring to poor Ganesha as Gampu or Bappa? Such people are otherwise viciousness personified when it comes to cut-throat competitiveness. So the pretentious innocence does not stick neither jells. Really! Childishness is not being child like!!

Pratima@ Simplicity is not simplification. Childishness is not child-like!

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Teacher: An acrostic

 Teaching now is a digital game.

 Easy is the Google Guru access.

 And yet they thirst for a teacher

 Calm still center of the information vortex.

 Honest to God, that touch magical

 Easy the darn textbook, is an open sesame.

 Rises forever the splendid feel thus.


                                 Eons ago

                                 Sages wise

                                 Suffused splendid

                                 Onyx rich 

                                  Nascent awareness!

Pratima@No gigantic Google, no Yahoo/can                      supplant a teacher, ouuu huuu!

Monday, September 5, 2022

The Dark Center.of the Bright Exterior

 Instant is celebrity-dom these days. Let us look at a few examples. Let us begin with singing. Let us hear the greats. Saigal to Latadi, Heman Kumar to Kishore Kumar, they all practised individually, as a team, rehearsed with the entire crew. Thus were born those gems of songs.

Unfortunately, now even the established singers and musicians are okay with each one singing his/her own part or playing  the required piece of music, and the entire song thus getting assembled technologically some time later.

Already there is electronic music. Alexa plays songs! Now with the Revolution 4.0 quite in full swing, robots could make music much better than the human species.

In such a scenario, emerge singing stars who shine for a season of any given channel, and are often no more on the horizon. Often they would not be  the "riyazi" types. While they are celebrities, they are made to dazzle like a galaxy. Very soon they are the burnt out deadwood of their own phoney publicity!

Much worse is the scenario in the field of writing. Anybody who can word-process is a writer now, especially given the  technologically enabled writing sites. Such writers do not read at all, THE basic requirement of a good writer. Writing is one per cent spontaneity and ninety per cent deep thinking through truckloads of reading, and just nine per cent styling. 

Unfortunately, now fluff is in. Very wordy, shallow  style without genuine content  is in! So-called 'smart' stuff is flourishing. Such writers do not read at all, not even the basic stuff. Often hence there is a shallow shadow of each 'author' on every other! You would find most all everywhere, the same silly phrases and words, and the same empty stuff!

The sad part is such celebrity authorities can easily be cloned, and thus they vitiate the real genuine stuff, whether it be the texts, the music, and in the final analysis, society, and life itself.

Who cares though? Who has the time for the real stuff? Time pass hai, Bhai, sara ka sara!  Time pass me sub chalta hai!

Pratima@ When authenticity is swapped for frilly shallowness, brilliance itself is blighted! Thus emerges the real darkness!

Sunday, September 4, 2022


 Water, as you know, is the essential most commodity. Why, it is a scientific truth, firmly established, that our brain, the most complicated organ in the human body,  has 75 per cent water content. The skin, more believable it may appear to many uninitiated physiologically, has 64 per cent water content, not to mention, blood, lungs, kidney, for instance.  

It has hence been said that we might live for a fortnight without food, but not even two days without water. It is hence said that most of the diseases would stay far away from us if we regularly drink eight glasses of water, not to foget the morning glass of warm water before the cuppa, be it tea or coffee.

Why, millions of years ago, life on earth began in water. These forms, after generations of the evolutionary process, transformed in to our Lamarckian-Darwinian ancestor! Well, even today we are yet to discover a majority of wonders hidden near the bed of the sea which, anyways, measures far more than the  mass of land on this earth of ours.

Yet another quality of water is that it is absolutely transparent. We can add any colour to it, and it will don that colour immediately. A great quality most all human beings need to learn!

Given the central need of, especially the potable variety, water, the future wars could be centred around water. Well, water is a beloved blessing, but could turn baleful, too! Hope, hence, none ever requires the "tear" version of water. Never!

Columbus to Cortez, this liquid soul of  human civilization would continue to be important for us all, be it the silk or the water routes. Let the future cities be vertical or spatial, water is going to continue to be the defining factor.

Hence the need to re-cycle water. Let us not waste ever this most valuable 're-source' of life.

Pratima@ "Water is the driving force of the entire universe," said Leonardo da Vinci.  Geniuses always tell the truth, right?

Saturday, September 3, 2022


 Who generates fear? Some bully? Actually, bullies are themselves terribly afraid of multiple things. Though such fears of theirs are deep down in their minds. and may not be visible due to their bluster, these fears of theirs are indeed  very real.

So why worry about a sado-masochistic goon? That brute is actually a terrible coward. Such creeps would not even have the courage of their curious hatred. In my opinion, such hatred of theirs is actually for their own selves to be conveniently externalised on some innocent victim.

Fear is, in brief, self generated. Let us look at a concrete example. Remember, during our childhood, we used to be afraid of a no nonsense teacher or a parent or a senior relative because we knew in our hearts whatever used to be actually our own mistake which this person would sure locate, despite any emotional drama we may put up  to paint a picture to the contrary!

Fear, in brief, is to be addressed within our own selves. In each and every situation, understand the worst case scenario,  and then you are no longer worried to death due to fear. Instead, the 'flight'  response wired in our racial consciousness would be disabled. We  would sure thus be enabled. Fear, thou doth need to fear for thyself as thou art  thus dead!

Pratima@ "Do not be afraid. Our fate cannot be taken from ourselves. It is a gift," says Dante Alighieri. Yes, fear thus needs to be afraid once we confront it full scale!

Friday, September 2, 2022

Divine Dependency

 Our friends, our family, people who care for us, in brief, sure are mindful about how we feel. They would go out of their way to help us, for instance. 

So do our pets, and all domestic animals. Even your cat is attached to you. But a dog for sure guesses your mood. What a huge heart pulsates in that small, little bod! He is sure to know that you are down. He would just sit next to you, his tail telling tales, or would lick your hands with that rough yet kind tongue that never wags unlike the human contraption! A warm, slightly wet muzzle nuzzling next to your own is one of the nicest feels on this side of infinity.

But our gadgets? Are they mindful of our ideas, our mood swings, our hurts, our insults, our let-downs? I think, they do. Your lappie seems to understand you, right? So does the ever present mobile, though it has more of a mind, naughty at that, of its own. A laptop is instead the 'forever yours' type. Would never bother, irritate you, never knowingly.

Your vehicle, too, has its own feelings. Just caress the handle of your two-wheeler, and say,"come on, let us go, chal meri, Luna", and the city moonwalk, springier than even Mike Jackson's, given the lunar experience of the potholed street becomes instead a divine feel.

Well, just take a little care of these mechanisms around you, and ungrudgingly, with perfection, they would be yours forever. Very difficult hence to let go of the old appliances, right? 

Unlike human beings who are masters at the 'use n throw' game! We design the appliances. They are more humane than us though! What an irony! 

A perfectly satisfying thought though it is, given the digital revolution about to cascade on us. Remember Asimov's three laws of robots? Thank God, there is a kind of throbbing consciousness across the world! Divine dependency hence  is ours on our technological yet mindful friends who rarely turn foes!

Pratima@ We make our machines. They are better, and more humane than us. What an irony!

Thursday, September 1, 2022


 Ours is a multi-cultural country. So while most of us are happy celebrating the Ganesh festival, our Jain friends are observing the "micchami dukkadam" day.

What a wonderful concept it is! It signifies that on this day one is supposed to ask forgiveness from friends, family, and even foes, for the consciously intended and/or unconscious hurts one hurls at them. Such insults could be verbal, in thoughts or in deeds. Makes no difference.  

A very interesting idea indeed! Thus can one cleanse one's mind of all the clutter that the negativities which the world directly and/or indirectly imposes on us. To forgive is divine, says a famous quote. But to ask for forgiveness requires tremendous strength, and not many have it. To accept one's mistakes makes one humane, i believe.

Yet given the self-obsessed world today, one wonders if a rider is needed to  modify this principle. In today's world, being straightforward, humble, genuine and honest is considered weakness. Such stalwart qualities appear boring  in the so-called 'smart' scenario these days.

I believe hence that one should forgive for sure, but one should never ever forget. If a person is making a habit of insulting and ill-treating you, though however glossed over and/or white-washed whichever way, it is better to accept that the person concerned, for whatever reason of his/her own, is hell-bent on showing you down. 

 Why suffer constantly  'the other cheek' praxis if each consequent act of ill treatment is competing with the earlier ones in viciousness?  Remember even the Lord allowed only  one hundred sins of commission and omission?

Well, ten times, it could sure be negligent oversight. When, however, consciously repeated against you alone,  it works out to be a quirky itch, a habit. And, oh, yes, those who forget history (and/or hysterical, childish behaviour!) can only expect a silly present and a stupid future.

What is the way out then while dealing with weirdos of all sorts? Get down to an ugly confrontation that reduces you to their level? Instead, better completely avoid their wronging company, i would say! 

One is surely not Sant Eknath (and should one be always?) who hundred times took a bath because a wicked brute was consciously throwing dirt at him each time he completed the holy bath.

So for the peace of one's own mind, to avoid it going to pieces, the best way would be to completely delete such people from your consciousness and absolutely avoid them in real life. Live and let live happens to the golden mantra for one's  own survival, too. What say?

Pratima@ Non-violence, said Gandhiji, does not mean weakness! That holds true of forgiveness, too!! We need to be kind to ourselves, too!!!

Worth remembrance

 March 8 is the day women are showered with praise, hugely, in heaps and heaps. Literally, women are drenched in admiration on March 8. On t...