Thursday, September 22, 2022

Crazy! Worrisome though!!

 Had the misfortune (oh, yes, I must be using this rather unfortunate term)  of meeting an ex-student. So he was asking in absolutely awful, broken English about my colleagues, his ex-teachers!

Actually, this"ex-" business is hyper ridiculous as well. In okay-ish English, it would be 'former'. Correcting such ultimate boring users of horrid English is an exceptionally boring activity in itself! Actually, it is not tiring at all. It leaves an awful taste in one's mouth as if one would like to puke! Simply horrible!

Well, let me get back to the terrible queries of the "ex"(!) student whose Marathi and Hindi were real poor, too! The creep started talking about how the lectures of(yuck! such crazy English is not mine!!please!!!) xyz teacher were very boring. 

Both the pronunciation and spelling were incorrect! The word sounded like "Boering". So i said, why are you referring to Ms XYZ as a war? 

He lacked both the knowledge and the wit to understand a subtle joke. So he typed the "Boering" on his mobile screen. I gave up, given the abysmal depth of his horrid ignorance. 

Instead, i tried the typical student trick of keeping eyes open, and metaphorically closing ears and  switching off attention. He yapped on,given the smile plastered on my face.  He did not seen to understand/gauge how "Boering" he himself was. 

The PMT, for a change, took pity on me. I could legitimately escape the "Boering" assault. That made me think though. What gives such creatures the idea that a classroom is a cartoon strip and a teacher a clown (they would say 'joker'! Good at card games! No worries though! Good at something at least!)?

I suppose, such  "Boering" perception is due to the depiction of colleges in films. Equally culpable are the so-called teachers, the population is quite large, who hardly conduct lectures under some pretext or the other, who know next to nothing  about the "paper", but indirectly share with the students the question paper, which they themselves or somebody from their gang has set, with basic errors galore!

Sad it is! Such weirdos, who are looking for fun in a classroom, are not even aware of how the workplace has changed radically, given the current digital advances. Actually they should be investing their energies in constantly upgrading their knowledge base now. As it is, jobs are getting scarce by the day. Very soon, the Friday pink slip would be a reality, if it already is not.

That is the truly 'boring' and absolutely real future of these weirdos. Instead of working on it, the creeps are busy declaring as "Boering" sincere teachers genuinely trying to improve their knowledge base! Well, the Lord himself would not be able to help such upbringing! Amen!

Pratima@ Why are not most students waking up to the current and future realities which are rather grim, given the tectonic shifts in practically every paradigm? Given such a future generation, how can India lead in knowledge generation or create a trillion dollar economy!?!

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