Thursday, September 1, 2022


 Ours is a multi-cultural country. So while most of us are happy celebrating the Ganesh festival, our Jain friends are observing the "micchami dukkadam" day.

What a wonderful concept it is! It signifies that on this day one is supposed to ask forgiveness from friends, family, and even foes, for the consciously intended and/or unconscious hurts one hurls at them. Such insults could be verbal, in thoughts or in deeds. Makes no difference.  

A very interesting idea indeed! Thus can one cleanse one's mind of all the clutter that the negativities which the world directly and/or indirectly imposes on us. To forgive is divine, says a famous quote. But to ask for forgiveness requires tremendous strength, and not many have it. To accept one's mistakes makes one humane, i believe.

Yet given the self-obsessed world today, one wonders if a rider is needed to  modify this principle. In today's world, being straightforward, humble, genuine and honest is considered weakness. Such stalwart qualities appear boring  in the so-called 'smart' scenario these days.

I believe hence that one should forgive for sure, but one should never ever forget. If a person is making a habit of insulting and ill-treating you, though however glossed over and/or white-washed whichever way, it is better to accept that the person concerned, for whatever reason of his/her own, is hell-bent on showing you down. 

 Why suffer constantly  'the other cheek' praxis if each consequent act of ill treatment is competing with the earlier ones in viciousness?  Remember even the Lord allowed only  one hundred sins of commission and omission?

Well, ten times, it could sure be negligent oversight. When, however, consciously repeated against you alone,  it works out to be a quirky itch, a habit. And, oh, yes, those who forget history (and/or hysterical, childish behaviour!) can only expect a silly present and a stupid future.

What is the way out then while dealing with weirdos of all sorts? Get down to an ugly confrontation that reduces you to their level? Instead, better completely avoid their wronging company, i would say! 

One is surely not Sant Eknath (and should one be always?) who hundred times took a bath because a wicked brute was consciously throwing dirt at him each time he completed the holy bath.

So for the peace of one's own mind, to avoid it going to pieces, the best way would be to completely delete such people from your consciousness and absolutely avoid them in real life. Live and let live happens to the golden mantra for one's  own survival, too. What say?

Pratima@ Non-violence, said Gandhiji, does not mean weakness! That holds true of forgiveness, too!! We need to be kind to ourselves, too!!!

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