Sunday, September 18, 2022

Ozone Oracle

 Our earth is such a small little place in this entire huge universe whose construction is a mystery.  Is the universe built of the god particle? Or is it an eco-xample of an elite intelligent design? Questions are many; answers are constantly emerging though.

Whatever might be the process of its origin, its current status is protected by a thin layer. The thin layer of ozone protects the very life on this tiny, fragile earth. But what with the constant pollutions of all sorts and types, this thin layer is depleting gradually and fast.

Who would protect the whole world from the terrible effect of the uv rays then? Already it is getting late. We are running a losing race against Time actually.

Neither Time nor the already perforated ozone layer can be retrieved. Hence tne need to celebrate a world ozone day to make the world wise , to raise awareness. Let us take care of our earth in all possible 'spheres'. 

There could be other habitable planets, there might be habitation rich stars. Life could be already existing on the Mars.  The mankind may one day make poor Mars suffer due to colonisation! Such possibilities are probable, but not abundant in the immediate future. In the meanwhile, let us indeed  get real/let us the tragedy of ozone depletion feel!

Pratima@  Let the ozone oracle speak/ Let us not through ozone  loss, our selves trick!

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