Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Quo vadis?

 Apparently Pune is the Oxford of the East. Well, many a college in Pune have such an awful academic culture that you would wonder why Oxford is at all considered THE university! As if that is not enough, very many students are happy doing everything else except studying.

Take the current scandal. It seems pubs are hiring students as party fillers, especially during the weekends. There actually are p.r's operating in the so-called elite colleges to tap such eager enthusiasts, and it seems they do get hundreds of willing candidates.

A sad scenario! True, fun does matter a lot in youth. But the problem is with being used as a product. Moreover, such regular pub attendance at very low, in fact, throwaway prices is sure to make such desperados get  hooked on to the party culture. That would be just a step away from addictions of all sorts.

The sad truth is that the so-called elite colleges, if our guess is quite right, mostly house a floating (in all senses of the term) population. They are hostelites, mostly from better off families, with vain notions about themselves and creepy ideas of fun. Add to this the 'cheap' excitement of almost a freebie of an entrance. A surefire recipe for disasters of all sorts!

The police, the educational institute and the parents must wake up fast. Modernity has NOTHING to do with doing drugs on an empty stomach, followed by a speedy ride. Modernity does NOT lie in trendy clothes, fashionable glares and stupid, brainless behaviour.

 Unfortunately, however, these days, even mothers (Can any woman in her senses allow her son(s) such silliness? Well, biology does not grant a woman a 'maternal' feel!) encourage their sons in to such 'freedom'! And, mommies with darling daughters are not at all far behind in this absurd race. Drinking and smoking, no wonder, are quite okay among girls, too, say de-addiction centers.

Sad times! How i wish these horrors called mammas wake up, and so do the pubs. Do these so-called 'smart' people realise how absolutely uncool they are, and sport the filthiest attitudes? Hope college campuses are sensitive to such dangers, too, while the society at large stands up to such evils!

Pratima@ If bad is for you good, and good is bad/ Near total ruin you sure are, what a silly fad!

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