Friday, September 23, 2022

Musings:A sonnet and a line!

 This weird world of ours

 is rather a mirthless mess.

 Or is it a thread-bare maze

 That amazes with its lack of grace.

 No rules to follow in its infinite alleys

 Where win the wicked and the saucy!

 No magic seeds the primrose paths spout!

Whence a fairyland with wonders wrought?

In worthless worry why wallow though

The witless wicked in cheap victory crow.

The grand design of this complex universe

 Hath a unique pattern, rather like chess!

 King a pace pawned, the queen sure wins.

The fools in their wickedness add up the sins

In the endless abyss they swirl, ever in jinx!

Pratima@Let never despair Thee  distress/                         The wily wor(l)ds are the Trojan                        horses/ Let not sloth by stealth                           sully thy grace/Thus canst thou in                      thyself  h(e)aven trace!

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