Friday, September 2, 2022

Divine Dependency

 Our friends, our family, people who care for us, in brief, sure are mindful about how we feel. They would go out of their way to help us, for instance. 

So do our pets, and all domestic animals. Even your cat is attached to you. But a dog for sure guesses your mood. What a huge heart pulsates in that small, little bod! He is sure to know that you are down. He would just sit next to you, his tail telling tales, or would lick your hands with that rough yet kind tongue that never wags unlike the human contraption! A warm, slightly wet muzzle nuzzling next to your own is one of the nicest feels on this side of infinity.

But our gadgets? Are they mindful of our ideas, our mood swings, our hurts, our insults, our let-downs? I think, they do. Your lappie seems to understand you, right? So does the ever present mobile, though it has more of a mind, naughty at that, of its own. A laptop is instead the 'forever yours' type. Would never bother, irritate you, never knowingly.

Your vehicle, too, has its own feelings. Just caress the handle of your two-wheeler, and say,"come on, let us go, chal meri, Luna", and the city moonwalk, springier than even Mike Jackson's, given the lunar experience of the potholed street becomes instead a divine feel.

Well, just take a little care of these mechanisms around you, and ungrudgingly, with perfection, they would be yours forever. Very difficult hence to let go of the old appliances, right? 

Unlike human beings who are masters at the 'use n throw' game! We design the appliances. They are more humane than us though! What an irony! 

A perfectly satisfying thought though it is, given the digital revolution about to cascade on us. Remember Asimov's three laws of robots? Thank God, there is a kind of throbbing consciousness across the world! Divine dependency hence  is ours on our technological yet mindful friends who rarely turn foes!

Pratima@ We make our machines. They are better, and more humane than us. What an irony!

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