Monday, September 26, 2022

Music lingers in the memory

 Had the good fortune to attend a music enriched evening this weekend. Initially, there was a celebration of the oeuvre of-n-by the flutist Pandit Gindeji on the occasion of his eightieth birthday. His disciple performed on various types of flutes. Finally, Gindeji explicated the uniqueness of the unusual flute he crafted. It was a short but large-hearted tribute ceremony. 

It was followed by an interview of - cum - demo by Enoch Daniels, the great master of accordion, and a superb pianist. What a wonder and a revelation it was!

"Ripeness is all" could very well be the theme of his grand performance. At almost ninety years of age, he performed faultlessly as if the tunes were etched on his very soul. When he was playing the piano, his entire being seemed to become the song. He literally seemed to forget the rest of the world. His art was indeed magnificent.

Equally interesting was the man himself. A famous arranger and a musician, he has hobnobbed with the best in the music world in India. Yet he was unbelievably humble and down to earth. His views on all the greats he worked with were real balanced. He talked real well of how film music must suit the narrative context. 

He had cut discs of film instrumental music those days, quite some wonder in itself. Yet when he talked of his contribution to filmy and non-filmy music, and the subtleties involved, he was honest humility itself 

Two moments stood out this evening. When he was asked a question about his marriage, at the oh-so-very-young age of 90, he literally blushed and glowed! That would be real romance, right?  Equally interesting was his story of why and how he made the ChaCha and Calypso et al type of versions of Hindi film songs. 

Almost three hours flew away on the wings of melodies and memories. One would not in that span and space remember a single worry surrounding the humdrum realities besieging us.  No wonder, it is said that music is the best medicine, a fact ideally proved by the master performer nearing ninety!

Pratima@Great verse and superb melody cast a unique spell/Trance shriven, the magic moments let us in a dream world dwell!

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