Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Beauty and the Horror

 Those scenes from Turkey! Initially they almost looked like the  Hollywood sets. The fight master here, however, was neither a creatively smart mind nor a computer effects geek. It was that vast, not enough understood force of Nature whose laws we seem to have apprehended, and yet have not fully comprehended!

Actually, I was watching the progress of an asteroid.  The Nasa has predicted that it is hurtling very close to the earth. That made me think of the sharpness and smartness of the human mind,  of the tremendous capacities of the human brain.

Despite such glory and power of human creativity, imagination and the least used brain, the earthquake proves how helpless we are when faced with the fury of fault (lines) in Nature. An earthquake, a tsunami may even be predicted, but such is the brute power that such natural forces 're-lease' that lives of millions get wiped out in a second.

That is why i respect my brother as a human being, and Merchant Navy as a profession. On the high seas, there are literally huge tidal waves, mad winds and against these, a comparatively tiny ship determinedly progressing across that vast canvas of a limitless horizon  that seems to blend seamlessly both in to the skies above and the oceans below. Incidentally, during the Covid years, it was only the Merchant Navy that kept the international trade alive.

Truly beautiful and touching! Like the small acts of utmost love that we have witnessed in the cruel rubbles of this horrid earthquake. Remember the young sister who tried to protect her kid brother from a collapsing structure? Her tiny hand and her immense love and good wishes seemed to stand tall against the despotic power of every evil. They were the only ones saved in the entire vicinity! 

Or the baby born amidst the earthquake! The entire family, including the mother, died. This infant survived, and with minor injuries, is now healthily recuperating in the natal ward, tossing and turning in the crib, looking for Mama's warmth. A miracle baby indeed, asserting amidst horrible chaos the normalcy of existence!  

Yes, woeful injuries, gashes, groans, and against these, the power of love and good will. The earthquake hence proves how beautiful life is, however vast be the cruelties of the passing horror!

Pratima@When the going gets tough, cruel and vicious, such vistas assert that the tough get going, in tiny ways that are indescribably kind, generous, and hence absolutely beautiful!

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