Saturday, February 25, 2023

The Sense of Duty

 If it is the Central Excise Day, how can Papa's memory be far away? As an IRS officer, he devotedly worked at, with, and for the central excise department.

He was horribly honest. Yes, i have chosen the right intensifying adverb. It would not indeed occur to him to be anything else, but be terribly clean, horribly honest. Of course, he paid a huge price for that. As such a devoted and honest officer is always inconvenient to the corrupt of all sizes and shapes, he had to constantly face transfers to far-flung places.

During his two year stint in Mumbai, during which he had to face a mini transfer to Kalyan, he used to daily commute up and down to Mumbai, and later to Kalyan. Come rain or sunshine, he would leave home sharp at 6 a.m, catch the Sinhagad Express (he would not like to be late even by five minutes at duty!), work sincerely and tirelessly the whole day, catch the Deccan Queen  (he possibly would not leave office even five minutes early!) to reach home 9-ish. 

Tough, punishing schedule. Never did he ever waver. Aai used to wake up early to prepare his tiffin! What genuineness, what commitment, what devotion to duty, to an idea! Extremely rare to find such people now!

Yes, he abided by the rules. He was strict. Yet he went out of his way to help others. A very tender, sensitive heart he had. Yet another trait he shared with Aai was that he would not know how to deal with double-faced people. Hypocrisy was anathema to both of them.

Genuine people indeed! No, i am NOT praising them coz they were my parents. Indeed they were a breed apart. I am extremely proud and happy to be one of their brood!

Pratima@ Being "the same person publically, privately, personally" as Judah Smith would put it!

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