Sunday, February 5, 2023

The look

 When you are in the doldrums, the look of everything around you matters, right? Such was the revelation i experienced this evening. I think i need to explain the statement a little more. 

Well, in our part of the city, often there are power cuts. Our lane, like the entire hereabouts, thus goes pitch dark as there cannot be street lights. The hugely howling, honking, vrooming youthful ( do not they have anything  constructive to do, given the fact that soon these days would be over? At times, one wonders if such rowdies get paid in some form or the other to create all sorts of nuisance!) misbehavior neither worries nor bothers me at all. 

For one thing, i keep the main gate forever locked. We have, moreover, an inverter. The home is thus a h(e)aven, full of both, light and safety. 

This evening, however, the dark, lonely lane beyond the gate, accompanied by that stupid 'youthfulness', appeared depressing. While i was watering my small, little garden, i felt like finishing off the task which i never do, given the summer like heat throughout the day. 

The same feel i suffered when my mobile came alive, woke up from the 'sleep' mode, with huge, horribly bright red flowers. The white background seemed horrid with the contrast. It was some "want to know more" type ad. Yet it appeared disgusting because my own screen is a palette of beautiful blues. 

Thus i realised that even a person like me who eternally loves to philosophise about appearances is at rare times bogged down by the look!

Pratima@ Never, they say, appearences behold/Gilded tombs, well, do not they worms enfold?


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