Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Control freaks

 Have you met people who love to control others, especially even those with whom they have absolutely no connect whatsoever? Can you guess their method? Yes, you are absolutely right. It IS silly gossip! 

Yet another unique feature such people surely share is that they would lack the guts to say anything openly because they perfectly very well know that it is sheer nonsense. They are cheap enough to pass sick and silly comments within the earshot of the victim of their futile hatred.

These days it is indeed very easy to get all sorts of agents to get done whatever cheap nonsense you want to manage. Off the social media, too! Anyways, as it is, social media have made gossip mongering rather respectable. 

Like the old wives' tales, hence, such people would go yak-yak-yaking over a wada-pao, too. They are that easily bought. Later on, even that much throw away would not be necessary to ferret them out to gang up against an innocent victim of your malice, right?

How to deal with such distant and/or not-so-distant control freaks? The best way is, of course, to completely ignore their silly comments. One should, moreover, grant that their own lives are so empty and meaningless that they can find purpose in life only through empty comments on others.

When your own life is fulfilled and purposeful, you would hardly have either the time or the need to poke your dirty nose in others' lives, right? I suppose, hence, that such creeps should be pitied and ignored completely, but should be pitilessly exposed once any, even if minor but concrete, proof of their viciousness is handy! Then the law of the land should take its course. What say?

Pratima@ What bugs the vicious the most is the fact that their viciousness cannot vitiate you in any way at all!

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