Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Huge Respect

 Saw this video of Manmohan Singhji. At this advanced age, he looked very fragile. Every activity, be it walking or writing, was sure tough for him. The wages of age, so to say! And, yet, one cannot but respect the gentleman.

He could have belonged to any political party. I do not think it would make much of a difference really. Sure even the so-called "andha bhakts" would admire his contribution.

He would be older than my father. But both  belong to a generation that believed in honesty of purpose, integrity, genuineness, sincerity, sterling virtues/values indeed. 

Yet another common trait would be the commitment to one's duty. Manmohan Singhji single-handedly brought in a paradigm shift in the Indian economic thinking. Undoubtedly, he did enjoy the support of his PM, the late Narsimha Rao. Yet the mammoth change must have been real difficult in multiple ways. Yet he never gave up.

Papa, too, was truly, genuinely and absolutely committed to each and every one of his duties, be it professional and/or familial. No stinting there. In fact, any such  thought itself would not occur to him. Absolutely devoted to any and every thing he would do!

Yet another common trait these two worthies would share is being misunderstood. If you are the type who lets your work speak, you often are a headache for many. Your sincerity can stand in the way of many lesser souls. 

Insulting such goodness actually would demean the crook who tried it. Remember the time when Manmohan Singh's ordinance was torn in full public glare in a press meet while he was away, at his alma mater that had invited him to honour him? He bore the affront. Must have been tough.

 As for Papa, he was a unique combo of being terribly straightforward and horribly sensitive. Such people always think that the rest of the world is as good and clean as they themselves are! Yet he bore with dignity all the hurdles, and hardly showed his hurt.

Good people indeed! The very memory/thought of such real, genuine "quality" makes my eyes go misty. Huge respect! Sure the contemporary world is so differently enabled  that it may allow just a tiny little corner to such stalwarts, but that space, however small, would continue to 'en-light-en' lives!

Pratima@Yes, old is gold, platinum and diamond!


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