Sunday, February 12, 2023

The Educational Factory!

 The other day I saw a rather unhappy news item on the Google. It boasted of being the first Pune based Junior College in the whole of Maharashtra which coaches for all possible competitive such as the JEE, et al and yet takes of a student's junior college score. Had heard of such 'arrangements' , but never seen such an ad in the black-and-white.

If during the Covid, Maharashtra fell prey to the Byju's, now in the post-pandemic era, it seems to have transcended the Latur pattern to enter in to the Kota scheme! Sad to see such a so-called Oxford of the East create  waste! In the land  of Tilak and Agarkar are mushrooming marksist markets. Such educational market forces are no guarantee of either a degree or a job! What a waste land indeed!

Pratima@ Tired with all this/ for educational escape students cry!

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