Wednesday, February 15, 2023


 Remember? Once upon a time, not so very long ago, films could not be watched online. Films had to watched on the vcr machines. Often there used to a pause in the run of the film. Quite irritating it used to be! 

That is the reel lfe. How about the real life? I feel that a pause is indeed necessary in the normal, daily lived life as well. A much deserved break from the routine energises us, for instance.

A pause is indeed necessary in many situations. It shields us from any wild regrets. Let us look at a few situations. Let us imagine that you are rather angry. Given the red hot anger, would not a pause be better before we act on the impulse? Most of the crimes happen due to momentary rage. If that bitter minute were to be paused, life would be different for many.

Equally necessary is a pause before we shoot our mouth. Often, at times, passion makes us say things which we are sure to regret later. Such is the wound words cause that entire lifetimes may pause. Yet the wound never heals. It is forever fresh. If there had been a pause before opening your mouth, may be, that festering  wound would never would have happened. 

Many wrong decisions would never change the course of many silly lives if only the pause switch were on! Well, for the time being, let me pause my write-up! Otherwise the readers may forever... Well, why even such a thought? Instead better pause!

Pratima@In discretion lies valour/ in a pause pulsates power!

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