Thursday, March 16, 2023

Consumer awareness

 The World Consumer Day! Surprisingly the idea is American. Well, the origin appears surprising because typically the American modes makes the 'cosuming' world flattened.

Let me give you an example. Well, the McD burgers and fries are anywhere and everywhere across the world, and have so created an image of hip modernity that the healthiest and the cheapest local food variety loses hugely its flavour. In a way, the consumer is psychologically so manipulated subtly that s/he forgets the right of/to informed choice.

The coke is no different. The consumer is subtly seduced in to preferring the fizzy drink over any much much healthier though less sexier and funkier wholesome drink such as the tender coconut water. Is Pizza Hut any different? An Italian receipe, though dressed up the American way!

The list is endless. There is a whole "set of glowing American products ranging from Coke Cola, Pepsi Cola through Burger King, Macdonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Hardees, Popeyes, Papa Jones, Starbucks, doughnuts, Max Factor, Ford, GMC, Cadillac, Microsoft and Apple as example of the glowing “Buick” American market icons, serving the interests of a single power, that of the USA.".

This leads to homogenization of the market which in turn leads to  the hegemony market which is good for the international TNC's, but destroys local markets, and most importantly, the consumer rights.

Hence the relevance of the day. Time we wake up to the reality! Multiple are the measures, consumer courts to customer friendly co-operatives. Only thus can we defeat the subtle neo-colonialism of the erstwhile West!

Pratima@In difference lies unity and variety!

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