Saturday, March 4, 2023


 Resilience is indeed a great quality. In the contemporary times, it is indeed necessary. Where does resilience come from? I do think that it is a state of mind wherein you bounce back even when everything, and everyone, is against you. 

This resurgent mindset, i think, is basically rooted in optimistic acceptance. Well, when things go wrong, it is but natural that you are down in the dumps. It has to be so. Personally, i think, the "you should always look at the positive side of things" attitude is not only impossible; it is downright toxic in my opinion.

It is but natural that you would feel bad when you face failure repeatedly even when  it is not your fault in the slightest way. Similarly, suppose, for a very very minor act of momentary negligence, when you meet with an accident, irritation with the context, even with yourself is but natural. The "only what if" annoyance is but obvious as well.

It is normal, nay, compulsory to give in to this negativity. Believe me though, it should be only for a while. After a certain and minimal period of anger, self-doubt, disgust, it IS compulsory to bounce back. You must get going as doubly tough as everything is pitted against you.

For that resilience, you should take stock of all that can still support you. This support is the best if someone stands rock solid behind you. The feel that someone believes (in) you despite every worst crisis is a great strength because, as a sensitive human bring, you respect that faith invested in you. You just cannot hurt or humiliate that goodness by wallowing in self pity eternally. 

Next you start building on your smallest to biggest attributes. Every opportunity that comes your way is a small but sure step to the real you. You treat it with utmost creativity and respect. You start creating such opportunities for yourself, too.

It is a process that you constantly carry on. Thus by not giving up, you begin to realise that nothing is indeed impossible. I suppose, reading comic books helps a lot because comedy always turns everything upside down. It shows you the sillinesses and contradictions even within yourself. 

Thus energised, day by day, the sunny side of the situation starts emerging brighter and clearer by the second. At this stage, you should read/think of people who have emerged winners despite having lost everything for no fault of theirs. When you realise how many genuine people have suffered equally, if not more, and yet emerged triumphant, it makes you face reality more squarely.

At this point, no harm in telling yourself that when one door crudely closes in your face, a much much bigger, much much better gateway is sure to emerge, and that you should begin working on, improving, yourself for it.

Momentary tiredness, transient unhappiness do not matter then. You adjust your schedule accordingly. Visualisation of what you have planned and a roughly set routine help as well.  Thus even if you may be an agnostic, you believe that "whatever that is good in this vast universe, knows my innocence, my cleanliness, and will stand by me". 

Thus you learn the fact that difficulties would be there, but they cannot deter you for a long time. Ahoy, "awake, arise, and stop not till you reach your destination" because now you have learnt  to appreciate the journey wherein every achievement is but a stepping stone for a little rest, and for the next best!

Pratima@ Look at that tiny ant, that small spider/she carries grains hundred times heavier, he weaves webs still sturdier!!/Take every stone that others or destiny hurls at you/ use it to build a leeway through the deepest ravines towards a better you!!!

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