Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Rituals and Modes of Remembrance

The Shudh Dwadashi of Falguna! What does it mean? Well, it refers to the twelfth day of the last month of the Indian/Hindu calendar! Shukla refers to the waxing or the brighter phase of the lunar fortnight.

These details matter because two years ago, Aai left us on this very day. March 26 is the official date. Well, i have always found fascinating the date wise details of Aai's life. She was born on March 19. She left us on March 26. Some Ides of March! Hindu calendar wise, she was born on the "Holi" day. Years later, her sad demise was just three days prior to that day! Whether it be the English calendar or the Hindu Panchang, her dates of death and birth are in the same month, same week! 

So the second annual Shradha it was. I look at the ceremony as an ardent expression of our deep love for the departed soul. It marks, moreover, a grateful memory of a life well-spent, right?

In the month of March, moreover, gets published the result of the annual literary, that is, story writing competition dedicated to Aai's memory. Thought of this creative mode to keep her memory alive as budding writers thus get an established platform like the Menaka magazine.

Sure, as for Papa, in Aai's memory, too, have instituted prizes for the best student in the concerned university/college/school which once again is like planting a seed of hope for a better future in a young mind; one of the best ways of making the good lives of Aai-Papa memorable forever! A new mode of Shradha year after year! Though not religious technically, deeply spiritual, i believe it is as it would continue to nourish new and vibrant dreams every year, year after year!

Pratima@Any ritual, of the religious variety or instituting an annual prize in the memory of the loved one, assures that death shall have no dominion, and remembrance would linger on, like a fragrance, forever.

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