Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Smile awhile!

 Which is the best make-up? Lakme? Revlon? Nope! The best of the best make-up in the whole world is made of, oh, yes, a SMILE! Any face, even the toothless face of a very old person looks gorgeous when it puckers in to a smile. If you wear a genuine smile that is reflected in the eyes, you never need any make up. With a smile, you look the loveliest!

Indeed smile makes life worthwhile. It is like the superb lightening that dazzles across a dark sky just before it thunders. A smile that is gentle and shows lovingly the innate kindness adds an immense aura to your personality.  Not only your own face, but the others' hearts, too, glow, especially when the lovely smile is accompanied by cute dimples.

A smile is not mere trivial jolliness. May be, hence, you will not meet it in a Laughter Club. The horrid so-called comedies full of vulgar cross-dressing may not be the domicile of a happy smile.

In fact, a good smile is never born of  cruelty, viciousness, meanness. It is never at the cost of anybody's humiliation. It never ever wears the cloak that makes others disappear into shaming, physically and/or psychologically.

In my opinion, the best smile, guffaw, laughter is always at one's own self. Such a smile is the healthiest. It shows a very clean outlook on to the world and the self. It shows an awareness of one's frailties and one's ability to laugh at these as a way to slowly but surely to overcome them.

The best smile in the whole world is, of course, that of a child. It reflects the sheer joy of each new moment, the happiness of being here, alive, without any expectations, and most importantly, shared so easily. Smile is indeed the oxygen of a contented existence. So Smile! Gently, naughtily, happily, exultantly, the choice is yours. A response will almost always follow because all the people the world over smile in the same language! Happy Smile Day!

Pratima@A smile is the best synergy!

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