Thursday, March 23, 2023

The Zen Factor

 Does  others' opinion matter in our lives? Do, and should, others have a say in our opinions, regarding the very (important)  decisions in our lives? Do others have an impact on us, and how far should it be allowed? 

Tough questions these are. In my opinion, to answer any such question, we need to assess our relationship with these so-called 'others'.  If the others are not really our besties in any way, why heed their prejudices, right?

I suppose we must constantly be aware of the fact that for most of the people, at least ninety percent of the people whom we have the (mis)fortune of meeting, we do not really matter. We are just a footnote in their story, the most unimportant, the most insignificant one  at that!

We could often be the topic, the theme of  their conversations. All that matters to them is that they must have some topic endlessly to yak about! So thoughtlessly they throw at us like stones, nay, like boulders, their opinions,mostly nasty,  Believe me, half an hour later (actually that is too long a duration), such people would be equally vigorously, much more viciously, if that is possible, blasting someone else, too!

It is sheer time-pass for them. Just as they would talk of a saree or a suit, they would yak about your, or anybody else's, difficulties. Heed them not. Anyone who genuinely cares for you would not gas about you behind your back. A person who has your good at heart would directly connect with you, even confront  you to tell you to your face whatever he/she thinks your mistake/problem could be.  They would, nay, they  could never tomtom (about) it all over the world!

If, however, there are genuine people, never ever lose them to any misunderstanding. Fasten them to your head and heart with a bond that would be fevicol fast! Such people, very very few mostly, mean well by you. Use them as your sounding boards, as the echo that "answers back", and life would be zen perfect!

Pratima@ An elephant that walks through the market never pays attention  to countless curs barking at him! Graciously he accepts, however, the gentle stroke of/by his handler, the mahout, who guides him down the right path, right?

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