Saturday, March 25, 2023

The Shooting Star

 Has the title of the blog confused you? Did you somehow relate it to some shooting of some Bollywood or Tollywood or Kollywood, or some such -wood film where some star was gyrating to "nattu, nattu", or some such contemporary zany tune? Well, that proves beyond any doubt whatsoever that you are an urban kid obsessed like zillions of your countrymen with films, one of the three national obsessions, the other two being cricket and politics.

Well, i did not at all have any such glitz in my mind when i came up with this title. Well, i was thinking of the real sparkle that lights up an entire sky when a shooting star zooms across the vast expanse. It is a beauty of a sight, nay, a vision. It is so breathtaking that one almost  forgets to wish on it, with fingers crossed. I am sure you know of that childhood fairytale wherein we absolutely innocently believed that such a wish would always come true.

The sky, whether the early morning one or the early evening twilight one, is fabulous beyond belief. Every sunrise and each, in fact, any, sunset can make a poet out of the most worldly person. No wonder, be it the Vaidik Usha Sukta or the beauty of the morning as depicted by Shakespeare in "Hamlet" due to theatrical compulsions, the most beatific verses the world over are devoted to mornings.

The evenings are no less scenic. Did you see the simply lovely union in the eventide yesterday? It was indeed difficult to decide whether it was the crescent moon or the brilliant Venus (someone insisted it was Jupiter though) that out sparkled the other. 

The night skies are the loveliest though. The shooting stars, the meteor showers, the milky way, the various constellations, the twinkling stars, zillions of diamonds are gleaming and glowing, brightening up the dark night sky.

What is a shooting star actually? It is a process of metamorphosis!  It could be a mere speck of dust, a stone, may be. It is then known as a meteorite. It enters the atmosphere of a planet, and burns up due to  velocity and friction. That is the meteor. If this burning object survives the process and hits the surface, it is a meteorite. The Lonar Lake apprently was thus created. 

When one watches the breathtakingly beautiful sight though, one forgets all this scientific awareness, caught up as one is with that zooming scintillating grace that dances across the sky like a lightening, literally burning it up. The vision is so simply gorgeous that it always reminds me of the sight of Padmini's tantalising mirror reflection that was there for a second before burning up finally atop a "sati chita" in the cremation ground!

In other words, the unusual episodes like the shooting star make the banal, prosaic life in to a heady mix of (hi)story, romance, myth and sheer poetry. Long live (however antithetical it may sound 'coz-n-tho' it is authentic in the truest sense) the shooting star!

Pratima@"Only from the heart can you touch the sky,"says Rumi.

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