Monday, April 17, 2023

AI images

 By now, everybody knows of the AI, that is to say, artificial intelligence. Based on it, we have bots like the Chat GPT and/or its recent version, the Auto Chat that can autonomously manage the assignment. Not lagging much behind are other competitors such as the Bard. Poor Shakespeare! True, this bard borrowed the plots of his plays, but the unique creation in/of each play was absolutely his, completely original.

It is well-known by now that such AI enabled bots can manage a lot. Well, they are a lot of help for students and translators and programme writers, and and and. The list is endless. 

What i find most interesting is the fact that the AI bots are no longer related only to areas that are useful or are for utilitarian purposes. Unmistakably, they are encroaching areas such as religion, for instance.  I have seen on statuses loveliest possible images of Lord Rama as he would have looked as a twenty one year old. Yet again, on status, i have seen unimaginably beatific images of Lord Dattatreya. 

Well,  on one hand, it is very interesting that language based images from epics and stotras are getting visualised. What is terrorising is the fact that words are thus becoming worlds. Myths, literary texts, history, everything is fodder for the AI mill. The AI is no longer mere images, it imag(in)es!

If this process continues to get more and more sophisticated, very soon the thin line between the real world and the AI generated reel world would simply vanish in to the oblivion. Then life would indeed be hell as there would not be enough jobs, lots of time on hands that have mouths to feed, but there would not be any money in the pockets.

No, i am not being pessimistic. Look at what the "g" mobile has done even before we have reached its fifth generation. Crimes against women have increased in the ugliest ways. There is lot of white collar crime, too. Unfortunately, moreover, the criminal minds seem to be smarter than the police brains!

Marx imagined a world wherein machines would take over the routine jobs, and human beings would use the time and energy thus saved to lead extremely creative and thoughtful lives. Well, Utopias seem gorgeous. That is what they are though, imagined utopías. Here is hoping that the AI generation does not lead to the worst dystopias! Sad prognosis about a bad future!

Pratima@ Machines are no longer tools nor are they team-mates. Machines are already the measure/major of man!

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