Friday, April 7, 2023

The old as new

 Can we make myths more relatable if we assign contemporary meanings to them and re-invent them? Let me see if i can try and find new meanings in the Hanuman story.

Well, the first idea that comes to our mind when we thus think of Hanuman would be obviously his commitment to Lord Rama's cause. What i would say is the most remarkable aspect in this context is that this cause becomes his not because of unthinking obedience. Not at all. In fact, each time there is a crisis, throughout the Ramayana, there is an element of discussions, deliberations negotiations. Hanuman is an expert at this art. 

Negotiating ability always would require good, effective communication, and Hanuman is an expert par excellence at this art. May be, he is good at it because of shared purposes? Indeed so! In fact, the shared purpose adds to his accountability as many events in the Hanuman story show.

In my opinion, the Hanuman myth is s process of empowerment as well, and it is unique because it is not merely self-directed. His empowerment includes that of his clan, of his friends and a betterment of the goals of the entire team.

Yet another anachronism one can locate in the Hanuman story is the holistic vision. Look at any of his major decisions. They forever emerge out of holistic purposes.

Well, i can provide umpteen examples to prove each one of my points. That, however, would extend the blog like the mythical Hanuman tail when he decided to teach Ravana a lesson.  Let me hence cut short my tale, a new take on the Hauman myth. Hope you like it.

Pratima@ "Old and new make the warp and woof of every moment. There is no thread that is not a twist of these two strands," says Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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