Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Pet pals

 All your pals need not be pets, right? But, believe me, all the pets are always, already pals. And the bestest at that! Yes, this is a truth universally acknowledged. 

A pet loves you with his entire being, tail to teeth. Yes, when he playfully nibbles at your arms, legs, palms, toes, his teeth, sharp as saws, never bite you. At times, he manages to gulp something he ought not to. You can pry open his mouth, pull out the unwanted bit he is about to swallow, he may growl, but he would never ever bite. As for his tail, the way it wags, it reflects the soulful pleasure he feels in your presence, a feel you can associate with very, very few pals, right?

At times, i feel that pets are more human(e) than most human beings. They are super intelligent. They are hyper affectionate. They can gauge your moods, and respond to you. They would try and protect you with  just a menacing growl. Yet they are forever your babies. You may treat them harshly. They would be confused, but they would never stop loving you. Very, very few human beings can be thus described!

They can be gentle with babies and children. They are respectfully affectionate with the elders.  They can be your playmates. They can be your devoted listeners when you croon. They can cuddle next to you as you read or doze off. 

Your shadow leaves you, but not your pet. He would walk you to the door when you leave, to rush back running wildly to the balcony, and keep on peering at your receding back till you get invisible near the bend around the  corner of the road. Whatever might be the time management mode wired in to his system, he knows the exact time of your return, wagging his tail till it would almost fall off. Very, very few would be the pals who would be consistently and continually so wild with joy at your very sight, right?

Your pet pals, they, would understand your language, almost everything, though, of course, they love certain  food words a lot more, right? Have you ever wondered how many of their (re)actions can we reciprocate? Very few, right? Why, they can even love our smell(!) , and so much so that they have to have some piece of our clothing as a comforter. Quite a package rolled in to one they are, buddies, clowns, babies, and so on. Why, at times, they scold you. Believe me, they laugh, too, and at times, very roguishly and naughtily. They get upset if you fight with anyone at home. They understand your mood swings. 

A wet nose nudging you, a rough tongue licking you, and a wagging tail expressing pure love are  often the real consolation, right? The famous puppy eyes can melt your bad mood literally in a jiffy, right? And, oh, yes, they have to participate in, share their mite/might in each and every activity around the home, right?

In return, what do you do for them? You snap at them when irritated with someone else. You forget to give them food/water on time. At times, you find them a burden. But they are never bored with you. They never bully you. No offence meant, but after God, parents, and family, they love you the most; in fact, at times, more, and genuinely, than the others!

Yes, all pets are pals, but the dog beats them all hollow when it comes to the pal quotient!  No wonder, even though there is a designated  pets' day, we hardly ever celebrate it, mostly because they are celebrating it every second!

Pratima@A pet is a pal with four legs, two loving eyes and a heart as huge as the sky! Long live pets!

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