Monday, April 10, 2023


 Easter, in my opinion, is a better festival than the Good Friday. Well, Good Friday is more a tale of a sincere, a genuine devotee suffering the whims and fancies of the mighty political/religious powers that be, the Establishment!

Easter, or Resurrection as it is known, is the celebration of the good winning over the bad, the rising of the pure, of the innocent beyond these powers. It is the beginning of a new awakening. 

Want proof? Read the novel entitled "Resurrection" by Leo Tolstoy. It has one of the most beautiful, the loveliest descriptions of the Easter celebrations. Equally moving is the story of the spiritual punishment of/for a crime, and how trying to redeem the horrible effects of the crime resurrect the soul of the perpetrator ethically. 

A great read, the novel truly reveals the real resurrection, the purification of the soul, the process underlying the original Biblical resurrection whose description in the Bible, too, is moving, where a mother's and a wife's ( if the reinterpretation of the Mary  Magdalene myth by Dan Brown or by the feminists is any proof) grief finds a new paradigm of meaning. Resurrection, in brief, is the real crux of the Jesus saga in my opinion, and hence more meaningful spiritually than the crucifixion!

Pratima@ A symbol of hope, of renewal, of resurgence and redeeming beyond every injustice,  Easter proves that none can bury truth, it will resurrect eternally!

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