Thursday, April 27, 2023

Let us laugh awhile!

 Well, i just could not resist the temptation. Yes, i watched "Pather Panchali", twice in a row. Yet again i was lost to that magic world. After that deeply moving experience, it is not possible to write a blog. Yet there has to be the daily blog entry. Hence this return to the childhood game, of telling silly jokes!

1) Sunday Best Behaviour!

"Always knock on the door before opening a fridge?"


"Salad dressing!"

2) School rules!

"What? Oh, there was a kidnapping at school?"

"No worries! He woke up!"

3) Prize Winner!

"Why did the scarecrow win the award?"

"He was outstanding in his field!"

4) The Writer's Block

"I cannot write with a broken pencil." 


"It is pointless."

5)The i-deal couple at a yum party

"How can you go fetch the ice- cream and cookies for the tenth time? They would laugh at you," hissed the wife under her breath.

"Do not worry, dear. Each time  I tell them it is for you," assured her the loving husband.

Pratima@ Simple puns as word games can sometimes lift a little your spirits slumped in the doldrums, right? So here is hoping

 you like this childhood game

 all of us used to love 

once upon a time

not very long ago.

Well, naive eons ago!

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