Thursday, April 20, 2023


 Remember that ad "thanda, thanda, cool, cool"?  Or that scene in "Jab we met" where Kareena Kapoor, the lead actress, talks of "Pani to Pani hi hota hai!" etc etc etc. Have you read "The Gulag Archipelago" wherein one of the crudest yet cruellest punishments consists of denying water to the prisoners so that they would agree to any and every atrocious condition put forth by the jail authorities?

Yes, water is truly essential to the human body. One can go without food for a fortnight, but without water, not even a day and half! Come mid-April, and every year, we realise this obvious truism yet again. So the more water we drink, the better for us! At least, eight full glasses are a must, preferably with a dash of lemon juice.  

Well, our dear pets require more water, too. The only part of a dog that can perspire is the tongue. You can hence see the tiny little tongues of our pet doggies popping out, oh, sure not to mock us, but to make themselves "thanda, thanda, cool cool".

My submission in this blog today is that the strays and the birds get horribly dehydrated as well. Well, for strays, i distributie "Parle G" biscuits . One cannot provide them water as they do not have any defined/definite address.  True travellers they are! "Life is a journey/at times, here; sometimes there" is their motto!

As for birds, i do keep water and fine millet grains . I truly feel bad for the trees and plants. Rooted in one place, whether it be the pot or the soil, they need water. Pour a little daily near the roots, and watch the riot of colours and fragrances! Trees, hence, for me, are the symbol of a good, gentle soul who rewards in abundance any n every tiny little act of goodness/kindness extended to him/her, right? 

Pratima@ "Water, water, everywhere/want many drops to drink" is the theme song of most living things in summers scalding like the molten lava, right?

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