Monday, April 24, 2023

Books:THE Bestest Buddies

 It is but obvious that my blog today would deal with books. Well, April 23 happens to be both the birth and the death anniversary of one of the greatest authors ever, William Shakespeare. He was, it seems, baptised on April 26. Hence, like many other assumptions about this legend, it is conceded that he must have been born on April 23. Like the very many exceptional events associated with him, his writings and his life, significant it is that he was born and died on the same day.

The world over, this unique day is associated with the celebration of books.Yes, reading a book is being with the bestest buddy ever. This friend never ever gets irritated, bored,  angry, upset with you. In return, this 'amigo' takes you to unseen lands, helps you meet unique people in absolutely different time zones, and shares special feels, thoughts, ideas, concepts, experiences with you, and, that, too, in different styles. 

Meet this buddy again after any number of years, and, wow, he meets you so much more enriched with all the passing years. Neither space nor time ever can wither the magic of a book.

Indeed there is nothing better in this world than reading a book, with a cup of coffee in one hand, your pet curled at your feet, your small little garden a window away, and great music playing in the background. If there is heaven on earth, eh, Firdaus, it is thus, it is thus, it is thus. Omar Khayyam would sure forgive me the anachronisms.

No wonder, it is said that it is better to avoid the company of a person whose t.v. screen is bigger than her book shelf. Yes, that brings me to the issue of technology replacing reading.

Yes, undoubtedly the fragrance of a brand new book, the touch of a page to be turned for the first time ever are absolutely heady. Yet i am not an enemy of the internet/the lappie/the mobile. Depends on what you use these tools for. You can read online research articles otherwise not available. The Project Gutenberg makes very many books accessible. My online meets with the very many Encyclopedias indeed strengthen me a lot. Indeed nothing like the internet for a quickie of a reference, right?

I do not mind confessing that although anyday anytime I would prefer a book,  I adore the all inclusive multi-media experience as well. The Tedx type talks are part of my staple diet. Many bloggers are brilliant, too. Oh, yes, that uniquely democratic knowledge production and distribution mode called the Wikipedia is unashamedly a great intro to brand new areas. 

Yes, i am logical enough to grant that some people may prefer a Kindle, or some such version, to a print book. How can anybody forget the Amazon many swear by, though i love the book shop.  May be, the online buy is less costly these days! Long live online pdf's, better than even xeroxes!

The 'what' of the reading, in other words, matters much more than the 'how' thereof, right? Reading is reading is reading, in brief, and that is 'the be-all and the end-all', to quote our dear Shakespeare!

Pratima@ "I have always imagined that Paradise would be a kind of library," wrote Borges. He said it!

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