Thursday, June 15, 2023

Child Abuse

 Child labour is the worst child abuse. It is, moreover, the most heinous kind of abuse because the child's own family indulges in it. For the sake of money, always wanted, always missing, his/her own family makes the child miss the very childhood.

In the cities, in metros, in mini metros, every shop or hotel and each such establishment would boast of a 'board' mentioning that the premises are free of child labour. Right in front of the establishment, or just a chowk away, however, there are children selling tidbits or begging, dressed up as the mythical characters as per the significance associated with the day. At the crossroads, they would be dangerously skirting the chaotic traffic to thus beg or to sell flowers, pens, books (!!!!!), and what have you!

There is another rampant child abuse in the cities and metros. It takes place in posh apartments, et al. Most often, such households would have just one child, two being luxury! The father would be in a plush position in an i/t company or in shipping, banking, et al, earning lakhs per month.

The prince/the princess of the family has been horribly indulged. The spoilt brat, so used to have only his/her way, is absolutely silly and immature. So wilts he/she at the first push/knock by the wicked world that the cocoon around the self becomes still more cemented. 

I have always wondered how such fools can never see the terrible suffering surrounding them, and without any alleviation, or means thereof. I suppose, these over-pampered idiots lack any sympathy.  It is not possible they would have even heard the word 'empathy'! As long as they get their fancy clothes, hep boots, hip computer games/films, not to forget, designer food, they would be lost to themselves behind the forever closed doors of their own separate rooms.

Why would they have to worry, anyways? Daddy Dearest is slogging for hours on end to fund their lavish life(!)-style.  How, one wonders, are these nincompoops going to manage in the AI enabled world shifting by the second! 

Both these abuses, one of atrophy, and the other of entropy, must cease. Only then can a wondrous future for all be possible!

Pratima@ Suffering injustice is not as toxic as heaping injustice on others!

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