Monday, June 26, 2023


 Recently national reading day was celebrated, while the international books day falls on April 23, the unique Shakespeare day on which fall both his birth and death anniversaries  

True, books are the very breath of existence. Well, to enjoy this breath, we require reading, right? Well, significantly, the national reading day falls on the day dedicated the the memory of a librarian, Mr. Panickker!

Sure reading depends on literacy as well as on a library, especially given the high cost of books whose prices are forever on the rise these days! Moreover, many prefer a Kindle these days to a book, though my eternal worry is who, unlike a librarian, would curate books on the internet? Internet tools like the Kindle!?! May be, a built-in ChatGPT kind of tool, i suppose!

Well, whatever the mode, print or online, reading is a superb activity. Reading really maketh a human being, Bacon would say. Reading truly enriches the very identity, whatever might be the theme. Even reading for mere information increases your awareness that an illiterate person surely lacks.

Even then, mere information one can get through other modes, listening to news or even to gossip, for instance.  Reading, however, gives you both knowledge and wisdom as reading is mostly an individual act. It changes the interior mindscape, making the reader more sensitive and sensible in the process. Long live reading hence even in the days of bots and cyborgs!

Pratima@ Tell me what you read, and i shall tell you who you are. 

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