Monday, June 12, 2023


 Do we really forget anything? Not really, i think. You do not believe me, right? Okay! Let me remind you. Once upon a time, not exactly so very long ago, you were one of the best cyclists around, right? You have not, however, touched a bicycle for the last thirty years or so, okay? Try riding one. The vehicle may initially wobble like mad. Within a few minutes, however, you would be back to riding the cycle like a pro!

The same simple rule applies to all the skills, be it swimming, rolling out perfect chapati's, playing an instrument, using a language, and so on. These skills seem to enter our very blood stream, and are back with us within seconds, after a few nervous hesitations. What a great vehicle is our brain, our long term memory, our short memory, the constantly new connects our brain neurons make, and so on.

This is the physiology of memory, and a wonderful tool it is.  Yet, psychologically, human memory is a curse. Almost all of us are excellent at literally memorizing the hurts, insults,  demeanings thrown our way. We do not want to forget these emotional wounds.

All the influencers and psychologists would constantly advise us all to forget all these, and lead a happy life. Believe me, all these bad vibes are excellent at playing hide and seek with us. We never forget them even if we want to.

 Personally, i am, moreover, of the opinion that we should not even try to. Instead of such oppressive technique which sooner than later sure leads to irritation/anger management issues, i think, it is better to accept these memories of the vicious cruelties meted out to one, and slowly they start losing their sting.

Yet another ardent belief i hold is that the vicious ones would pay for their badness in this very life. The 'here and now' of the karma justice is inevitable. It has to be because the powerful would otherwise ride roughshod over the docile/gentle ones.

In my opinion, yet another and more effective way is to be so thoroughly involved in creative activities that you hardly get any time for a re-visit to the dark land of painful memories. 

The best method in my opinion, however, is never ever do anything to others that would hurt/bother you yourself. The moment we follow this unique principle, we do not 'create' bad memories. That cleanliness of heart and vision teach us to laugh at the viciousness dished at us. We learn to understand their irrelevance, and thus their size minimises, and slowly but surely they lose the power to agonise. One achieves a calm distance from the painful experiences, and the vicious thus lose their dark power over us! 

Pratima@ Forgetting sure happens, however slowly, at the individual level. And it must! At the larger perspective/level, there IS universal justice!

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