Thursday, June 8, 2023

(What) to eat or (what) not to eat!

 To eat or not to eat, that is no longer the question. Neither for the rich nor for the middle classes! If the rich eat anchovies and asparagus, the by-now-confirmed-as-aspirational middle classes are eating the pulav and rabadi.

As for the poor of the world, though hunger unites them, they, too, have nothing to worry as the street food, however unhygienic, fills an empty stomach. You do not believe me? In any city, at every corner, there are such small shops that sell vada-pao, for instance. Honestly, there are some who manage to live off such stuff. 

Well, it hurts my sensibilities a lot that the so-called 'modern' folk insist on leaving a lot uneaten (food) on the plate. Why do they take large portions? Why waste food? Despite my jibe in the earlier paragraph at street food, i am painfully aware that many go to sleep on an empty stomach, be it the city or the village.

As for the upwardly mobile in cities and in villages dreaming to be equally vain and vague, there are these diet fads! Each one tells us, the gullible, to eat exactly the opposite of what the other plans consider a  sheer hazard. One dietician's recommended food is another's poison! To each dietician, his/her fad followers! If one advises you to drink at least three litres of water per day, for example, there instantaneously emerges 'an-other' proving that it is a sure formula for a damaged kidney!

The title, hence, of the blog today! What to eat and what not to eat, that is the real question!! As today is dedicated world wide as the day celebrating healthy food, this blog  post trying to digest our unhealthy food habits!!!

Personally, i feel the typical traditional veg food is the best. It has all the ingredients in perfect proportion. No harm indulging the taste buds now and then. Equally important is a fast or two, and some sensible exercise every day. A young person who lives off noodles and pizzas, and then sweats it out like a zombie in the fitness club is every which way harming himself/herself, and forever! 

We are what we eat! Healthy body, healthy mind! Such axioms are mindful truly, though they may not sound 'kool'! Hence on this auspicious day, let us  pledge to eat towards our own sustainable growth!

Pratima@ Tell me what you eat (and, more importantly, what you do not), and i can tell who you are (and who you can never be)! In brief, though I hope that many would find the blog post today yummy, i am not sure many would digest it! 

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