Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The green force

 I do not know how far/much you read poetry. Much more, would you read a great but rather neglected English poet, Dylan Thomas? He wrote a simply superb poem, "Fern Hill". Equally great is his poem "The force that through...". The title of our blog is a word play on the first line of the celebrated poem. 

I have chosen it because it captures perfectly the theme of the Environment Day. Yes, the very day when, the world over, in a major way, most wax eloquent on the climate crisis, blah, blah, blah. Yes, debates are indeed fine, especially as most television channels establish this undisputable fact evening after evening.

Personally, however, i love it when i can walk the talk. I try to plant a plant or two in my small little garden on this day. Great feel it was when this World Environment Day,  i was made to plant a palm tree as a guest of honour. Yes, at the Shirur DES school where i was to train teachers on vocabulary development and communication skills @academics, i could thus celebrate June 5, which was a wonderful feel. I tried to support the sapling with a few fragile dried sticks,  and, voila, did the green force make the small sapling stand a winsome way!

I have started putting together all the special seeds and saplings in my garden, and next i go to the Shirur school for the training session, i shall hand over this seed and saplings bank to Principal Sir. The green force would thus always fuse my tribute to the environment awareness  on that campus, a  vibrant feel forever!

Pratima@ "Nature never did betray the heart heart that loved her," wrote William Wordsworth. Should be the anthem of the day the world over! What say?

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