Thursday, June 29, 2023

The alien objects

 Human beings have always had a very strong  attraction, fascination of/for the unknown.  The space is one such arena that has ever attracted the human curiosity, the human  imagination.  The alien objects are hence as attractive as the alien beings.

The asteroid is one such phenomenon. It has created the  Lonar Lake, the center of unexplored biology, zoology, geology, why, almost the very idea of a  University! Sure, like most all educational centers, it is now highly polluted, adulterated, unclean, in brief!

Well, an asteroid is at least a reality, the UFO's are unique. They are seen everywhere and anywhere, lonelier and more far-flung the siting place, the better! Sometimes, they almost appear a figment of imagination! 

The aliens, the more weird they are, the more attractive they are. But natural hence that their vehicles, the UFO's, are excellent examples of the willing suspension of disbelief!

 The favourite theme of both science fiction and the folk lore, there are millions of examples of the UFO sightings, the weirder, the merrier! Very soon, however, given the  development of the space technology and the human lust to colonise the space, not to forget the rapid growth of the AI technology, the  unmanned as well as manned UFO's would be a reality! Long live the human imagination and the human desire to conquer the unknown!

Pratima@ The never ending exploration of the  Asteroids and the UFO's is some proof that an eternal Columbus is ever a not-so- distant relative of all of us! The known is boring; the unknown, the unexplored is real exciting! 

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