Monday, August 14, 2023

Unique indeed!

 Our world is made of all sorts, but it is a rule universally acknowledged that the so-called normal rules the roost. Imagine hence the plight of the left handed people in a world made by and for the right handed! Simple stuff must be rather tough, nay, indeed difficult. 

Let us think of an example, or two. As a school child, when the leftie kid would write, the ridge of the notebook must butt in to his tender tiny hand, right? Equally tough, but rather comic, it must be eating from the lunch box during the recess, sitting right next to a classmate whose right elbow would repeatedly hit the small little spoon, and vice versa, of course!

There are multiple misunderstandings about/against such people. People born before the eighties, that is, before the big bad world encroached our consciousness  via the multi-channel television, would remember the embarassment their parents felt when they naturally, normally extended the left palm to accept the 'pooja prasad'! No wonder, even in the post-1990's, there used to be mothers who literally beat up their kids in to being 'right'ies!

Actually, like the Taureans, the lefties, too, belong to a gang that includes literally  the   "who is who"of the world. In India, we have a superb lefties club that includes, it seems, Gandhiji, Modiji, Ratan Tataji, Sachin Tendulkar, Rajnikanth, Asha Bhosale, for instance.

Absolutely probable it is that lefties would be unique and special because our left side is controlled by the right brain which is responsible for creativity, intuition, emotions, and language oriented capacities and abilities. If my brother's darling son, Siddhu, our family's youngest, is any proof, lefties have a great sense of humour. They love to laugh, guffaw, grin from ear to ear. Lefties, in brief, make the world right, okay?

Pratima@ I was just thinking of, rather imagining, the school parade when the P.T. master would holler "left, left, left" or "right, right, right" for that matter. Hilarious it must be when a rightie classmate would march against a leftie! Oh, by the way, how do lefties understand the mirror image, 'right'?

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