Thursday, August 24, 2023

Over the moon

 Moon Gaye hum! Finally! A great achievement indeed because the landing was on the south pole. A feat rarely achieved across the world! The ISRO scientists sure deserve our warmest congratulations!

The cutest depiction of this wonderful achievement  was Dharati Mata/Mother Earth sending the rover as a rakhi to Chanda Mama/Uncle Moon just a little ahead of the rakshabandhan! Felt a little senti when my brother sent me the sweet image.

Could not watch it live personally as I was travelling back home after a long day. Have saved the official video, and would watch it repeatedly.

The landing made me think though. Actually, this was to happen last time itself. The perfect preparation then was consciously ruined by internal politics, supported by all sorts, which consciously, knowingly saw to it that the attempt would fail because certain jealous, powerful intellectual mafiosi with correct connections did not want it to succeed. 

To such people very good at groupism, it does not matter that a huge, sincere, genuine effort gets wasted so long as their cheap, mean politicking works. They could score a point against their target around whom an unseen but tough to crack web gets woven so silently that the target is trapped and sure shot fails! Who cares about the over all image of the institution so long as their lackey would now not be pushed back?

It is against such a background that the management response matters. For sure, the management would be aware of the subtle weaving. The politicking gang alone would not have their Trojan horses, right? The management, too, would have its agents in the right place and would certainly know what is up, right? Why do delays consciously happen, for instance, despite repeated requests, for example?

Hence, in my opinion, that unforgettable visual of the prime minister comforting the sobbing Head of the ISRO was a very reassuring moment. May be, it reached the right message to the meanie gang that the whole matters more than their small time politicking!

Hope the ISRO scientists would now be the real stars and icons, unlike the film stars and the sports legends who hog the limelight eternally. Here is hoping, too, that the great women scientists and technologists do NOT get asked 'tough' questions such as how they fight with the wicked ma-in-law, and which is hubby's favourite dish, and how they trapped their moon on this earth!

 Honestly, there is no knowing what comedy shows and their hosts with a so-called script might consider fun and imaginative! The argument, moreover, would be the public likes such stuff! 

How to survive in such a world? Never give up on your dreams neither on your inner core. For sure! A bigger gate always opens when a small window closes! Beyond this personal emblem, "willing suspension of disbelief" should be the eternal policy. 

Except your immediate family, suspect the motives of and disbelieve everyone, whatever age/gender/caste/class/so-called relationship/affiliation, and even if/when such a strategy goes against your grain. Let them subtly know you understand their nastiness and games. Yes, most importantly, your every performance hereafter must outshine such meanness through a gritty calmness.

Survive you must! So subtly spread the good word around that, though a little late, you have seen through the vicious game, obviously vehemently denied by them. You yourself laugh at it on as many of occasions as possible. Use this guffaw to subtly mock them as well. That would take the sting out of their meanness cheaply exhibited. Let them desperately continue to quote and jeer at it. One knowing look is enough to put all such crooks in place! That would be the real safe landing!

Pratima@ Technology should win, not mean techniques! Better reach the moon, but be down to earth!

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