Sunday, August 13, 2023


 Repeatedly leaders and influencers talk of India's 'demographic dividend', that is to say, the huge majority of the young amongst the Indian citizenry. This theme has already been much discussed ideologically. Today let us not get in to this by-now banal debate. Instead let us define the very concept, 'youth'.

Can youth be merely defined by the date of birth? In my opinion, such a conception lacks intellectual rigour. When babies are born literally by the second, somebody or the other would constantly be 'younger'.

Youth, in my opinion, is a cluster of certain characteristic qualities. Basically, it IS a state of mind. How is this mindset? A youthful vision is never 'blase'. It never has the ' been there, done that' 'attitude'. It is ever ready to not only explore the new, but basically it is all set to examine the old anew. The mantra of a young mindset is 'learn, un-learn, re-learn'. In other words, there is a constant sense of wonder that defines youth.

Youth hence is never bored. Enthusiasm beyond psychological tiredness is the hallmark of youth. Youth hence is  prepared to commit, even make a mistake, learn from it, and continue the exploration of life with a renewed vigour. A bored, eternally depressed mind for no cause is the real stuff oldness is made of.

Youth is never defeated by the difficulties, misfortunes, problems that can be a hurdle. It is not empty optimism. Nor is it a cheap 'positive' attitude. Youth accepts the insurmountable difficulty. Youth, however, is committed to the need to overcome it. 

Despite accepting the inevitable anger, self-pity, uncertainty at the sudden misfortune, youth surely, and not so slowly, recognises the countless blessings one has. It could be the rock solid support of a kind, loving father, for instance. Instead of wallowing in negativity, youth tries to create a new design out of the botched up mess.

Never is youth cruel, crude, vulgar. Nor is it self-indulgent, self-centred, self-pitying.  It is intelligent, emotional, with a connect with the head, heart and soul. May be, that is why the confessions of the holocaust survivors, despite suffering the worst possible, are always gentle, thoughtful and quiet-n-content!

Pratima@ Youth is the bedrock of  good vibes from across the universe.

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