Tuesday, August 1, 2023


 August 1. It is Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak's death anniversary. Recently, however, on July 26, I dedicated an entire blog to the memory of Lokmanya. Surely, Lokmanya Tilak is a theme that literally is as deep as the ocean and as vast as the sky. One can write a blog entry each day throughout the year, and yet there would remain much more to explore. One can, however, enjoy such an exploration if a blog were not to be a public space. Well, the reader response matters, hence!

Instead today I am going to write about the world wide web. This scientific technological development truly changed the very profile of the entire world. Earlier Descartes would write, "I think, therefore I am." Now the axiom is, " I use the world wide web, therefore I exist."

The world wide web is indeed a wonder web. It has literally made the whole world in to a village, with all the negativities of a village, too; gossip of the fake news variety, the dirt of the dark webs of all types variety, the narrow lanes of the site crash variety, and so on. Like a village, here, too, there are crude bullies of the vulgarest type.

In other words, in this third decade of the twenty first century, the wonder part of the www revolution appears a little jaded. The negativities of this world wide web have started getting on many nerves indeed.

Even then I would say that it is not the fault of this technological wonder. It is the sick mentality of some cheap users that is at fault. Yet again hence we would have to use the analogy of the genie in Alladin's lamp.The genie is absolutely innocent. It is the owner of the lamp who uses it like a devil. 

In other words, in this post "Eisenhower" period, we have to yet again grant that a technological wonder such as the world wide web is a gift, and wonky human beings better overcome their wicked ways of the world so that spaces for goodness and creativity spread world wide!

Pratima@ "Science is a way of thinking," says Carl Sagan.

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